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Configuring WebTMA’s Form Attributes for Greater Efficiency Tammy Hilmer TMA Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Configuring WebTMA’s Form Attributes for Greater Efficiency Tammy Hilmer TMA Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Configuring WebTMA’s Form Attributes for Greater Efficiency Tammy Hilmer TMA Systems

2 Benefits of Customizing Forms End users can focus on important information Ensure critical data is entered by making the field required Allow for separate workflows for Repair Centers or Users

3 Customizing Form Attributes Hide Fields, Tabs, Action Menu Buttons Set Required Fields Set Read-only Fields Create Specialized Customized Forms for: – Repair Centers – Security Groups – Individual Users

4 System Form Attributes Affects all users of the form system-wide How to determine the correct form to modify Ensure the change does not cause a negative impact

5 Changing System Form Attributes

6 Show/Hide Tabs

7 Show/Hide Action Items

8 Common System Form Changes Request Log – Repair Center required – Department required – Facility, Building, Floor, Area required – Requestor phone, email required – Some common fields to hide o Item and Task drop downs o FAQ button o Additional Comments

9 Common System Form Changes Quick Work Order – Technician Name field required – Finished Date or Closed Date required – Common fields to hide o Account # and Charge field o Department o Requestor Phone o Email

10 Request Log Before

11 Request Log After

12 Common System Form Changes Work Order – Hide unused tabs o Billing Info o Attachments – Hide unused Action Menu buttons o Manual Routing o Posting Down Time o Linked WO or Redirect WO

13 Single Task Work Order Before

14 Single Task Work Order After

15 Common System Form Changes Quick Post Cost – Hide unused fields - if not part of your workflow – Make fields required that MUST have data every time

16 Quick Post Cost Before

17 Quick Post Cost After

18 Custom Form Attributes – Created to enhance end users’ interface with the system – Can be assigned by Repair Center, Security Group, User – Can override existing System form

19 Creating Custom Forms

20 Assigning Custom Forms

21 Custom Forms for Requestors

22 Q&A Questions or Comments? Please complete the evaluation Thank you

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