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Use of T-RFLPs for analyzing substrate attached bacteria in biofilms in the deep-waters of the Hellenic Trench (Ionian Sea) Christian-Albrechts-University.

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Presentation on theme: "Use of T-RFLPs for analyzing substrate attached bacteria in biofilms in the deep-waters of the Hellenic Trench (Ionian Sea) Christian-Albrechts-University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use of T-RFLPs for analyzing substrate attached bacteria in biofilms in the deep-waters of the Hellenic Trench (Ionian Sea) Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, FTZ, Hafentörn 1, Büsum, Germany Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, 46km Athens-Sounio, Anabyssos, Greece Nikoleta Bellou, Evangelos Papathanassiou and Franciscus Colijn

2 Salinity Temperature Study Site Deepest part of the Mediterranean Lies far from the effluents of major rivers extremely clear water (light transmission length 55 + 10 m at 460 nm wavelength) Weak water current consistently (below 10 cm/s) Mean density of sea floor sediments 1.5 gr/cm 3  slow accumulation rate of 7– 8cm over 10000 years Study site CTD profile at Nestor 4.5

3 What is biofilm? Abundance and diversity regulated by physico-chemical factors Bacteria prefer a sessile life form Biofilms most commonly form as a result of some stress Therefore, biofilms are found in many extreme environments Biofilm (Davis, 2007) Assemblage of microbial cells self-produced polymeric matrix Within hours adhesion, colonization and growth of microbial populations First introduced by Zobell & Allen (1935) and Zobell & Anderson (1937)

4 Objectives Biofilms on artificial substrata in deep-sea ? Bacteria in biofilms ? Comparison microbial communities in biofilms grown on different substrates & grown in different depths Objectives Characterization of : substrate relation within one deep-sea layer depth relation for each substrate depth and substrate relation

5 Experimental Setup Materials: titanium, aluminum, glass, limestone, shale Depths: 1500m, 2500m, 3500m, 4500m Exp. duration: May - October 2007 (R/V Aegaeo) Methods GKSS

6 Analyses method Methods Samples taken with a sterile swap DNA Extraction PCR fluorescence (5’-FAM) labeled primer PCR product + Restriction enzymes T-RFLP profiles T-RFLP to compare microbial communities

7 Bacteria (Primer: 27F / 1492R) Bacteria in biofilms PCR H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12 H13 H14 H15 H16 H17 H18 H19 H20 Negativ e control Results

8 Substrate relation within one depth - CfoI Results

9 Substrate relation within one depth - RsaI Results

10 Depth relation for each substrate - CfoI Results

11 Depth relation for each substrate - RsaI Results

12 Substrate vs depth - relation - CfoI Results

13 Substrate vs depth - relation - RsaI Results

14 Substrate vs depth - relation – Cfo I & RsaI Results

15 Depth vs substrate relation - CfoI Results

16 Depth vs substrate relation - RsaI Results

17 Depth vs substrate relation – RsaI & CfoI Results

18 Conclusions PCR amplifications of 16S rDNA showed that DNA is verifiable: on each substrate at all depth Conclusions Bacterial biofilm communities do not differ highly between substrates within one depth BUT differ along a depth gradient in one substrate type Results indicate highly stratified biofilm communities

19 Future perspectives  Characterization of biofilms community structure collected from other deep sea Mediterranean sites  Compare substrate attached bacteria (biofilm) with particulate attached (sediment traps) with free living (water column)  Biochemical characterization of biofilm Future perspectives

20 THANK YOU ! Thanks to: Vassilis Lykoussis (HCMR / Greece) Aleka Gogou (HCMR/ Greece) Voigt Wolfgang (CAU / Germany) Ruediger Kiehn (GKSS / Germany) Torsten Staller (CAU / Germany) Elena Sarropoulou (HCMR / Greece) Katerina Skaraki (HCMR / Greece) 6thFramework Program of the European Commission to support the ‘European Research Area’

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