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 Greige Goods: when fabric 1 st comes from the loom, ready to be dyed.  Dyes: compounds that penetrate and color fibers  1 st synthetic fiber dye discovered.

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Presentation on theme: " Greige Goods: when fabric 1 st comes from the loom, ready to be dyed.  Dyes: compounds that penetrate and color fibers  1 st synthetic fiber dye discovered."— Presentation transcript:

1  Greige Goods: when fabric 1 st comes from the loom, ready to be dyed.  Dyes: compounds that penetrate and color fibers  1 st synthetic fiber dye discovered in 1856 by accident ◦ 1856 William Henry Perkin discovered the first synthetic dye stuff "Mauve" while searching for a cure for malaria and a new industry was begun. ◦

2  Fiber dyeing: natural fibers can be dyed before being spun into yarns ◦ Allows fabrics to be dyed with uniformity and good color fastness  Yarn dyeing: Yarns are dyed before they are woven or knitted into fabric ◦ Used for plaids, checks, and stripes  Piece dyeing: fabric is dyed after being woven or knitted ◦ Manufacturers can store undyed fabric and then dye it to fill a order

3  What type of dye process allows fabric to be dyed after it has been woven or knitted?  Piece  What type of dye process allows fabric to be dyed with uniformity and good color fastness?  Fiber  Which type of dye is best suited for plaids, checks, and stripes?  Yarn

4  Transferring color to the surface of a fabric to form a pattern or design  Old and New Techniques

5  Roller: contains circular rollers, or printing plates- one for each color of the desired design ◦ Each roller is chemically etched with its colored part of the pattern ◦ High and low areas on the roller ◦ Prints fabric on the raised sections of the rollers


7  Best suited for large designs  Similar to stenciling

8 Etched RollerRoller Printing Machine

9  Combination of roller and screen printing  Fast & modern

10  Newest method for printing small lots of fabric more cheaply  Like printing on paper

11  What method of printing is best suited for large designs?  Screen  Which method of printing is the newest method of printing?  Digital/Ink-Jet

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