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Redshifted Extragalactic Molecular Lines

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1 Redshifted Extragalactic Molecular Lines
Jeremy Darling (CASA, University of Colorado) Mechanisms 1. Thermal 2. Masers 3. Dasars Science A. High Redshift B. Galaxy Evolution C. Star Formation/ISM D. Massive Black Holes E. Cosmology F. Physical Constants

2 Redshifted Molecular Lines
z when  = 10 GHz CO (1-0) 10.5 HCN (1-0) 7.9 HCO+ (1-0) CS (1-0) 3.9 SiO (1-0) 3.3 NH3 (24 GHz) 1.4 H2O (22 GHz) 1.2 H2CO ( ) 0.45 HC3N (1-0) Any CH3OH (6.7 GHz) H2CO ( ) OH (1.8, 4.7, 6.0 GHz)

3 Redshifted Molecular Lines
z when  = 10 GHz CO (1-0) 10.5 HCN (1-0) 7.9 HCO+ (1-0) CS (1-0) 3.9 SiO (1-0) 3.3 NH3 (24 GHz) 1.4 H2O (22 GHz) 1.2 H2CO ( ) 0.45 HC3N (1-0) Any CH3OH (6.7 GHz) H2CO ( ) OH (1.8, 4.7, 6.0 GHz) Out of reach (Existence of molecules?)

4 Redshifted Molecular Lines
z when  = 10 GHz CO (1-0) 10.5 HCN (1-0) 7.9 HCO+ (1-0) CS (1-0) 3.9 SiO (1-0) 3.3 NH3 (24 GHz) 1.4 H2O (22 GHz) 1.2 H2CO ( ) 0.45 HC3N (1-0) Any CH3OH (6.7 GHz) H2CO ( ) OH (1.8, 4.7, 6.0 GHz) z = 0.9 gravitational lens (e.g. Muller et al. 2006) high dipole moment expect detections in submm galaxies soon! dense gas tracer star formation (akin to HCN, HCO+)

5 Redshifted Molecular Lines
z when  = 10 GHz CO (1-0) 10.5 HCN (1-0) 7.9 HCO+ (1-0) CS (1-0) 3.9 SiO (1-0) 3.3 NH3 (24 GHz) 1.4 H2O (22 GHz) 1.2 H2CO ( ) 0.45 HC3N (1-0) Any CH3OH (6.7 GHz) H2CO ( ) OH (1.8, 4.7, 6.0 GHz) Chengalur, deBruyn, & Narasimha 1999 Patnaik et al. 1994 Nair et al. 1993 z = 0.7, 0.9 gravitational lenses (Henkel et al. 2005, Menten et al. in prep) Tunneling transitions (many) Thermometer Constancy of me/mp (Flambaum & Kozlov 2007)

6 Ammonia (NH3): “Umbrella” Tunneling
Symmetric top molecule Electrostatic repulsion between N and H3 plane “Umbrella” inversion possible via tunneling (for low vibration states) Each rotation ladder has inversion splitting Inversion transitions can be masers (first maser was NH3 24 GHz!) Rohlfs & Wilson 1996

7 Ammonia (NH3): “Umbrella” Tunneling
Symmetric top molecule Electrostatic repulsion between N and H3 plane “Umbrella” inversion possible via tunneling (for low vibration states) Each rotation ladder has inversion splitting Gastrophysics Multiple inversion lines give Trot B : z = 0.67; Trot = 35 K PKS : z = 0.89; up to (J,K) = (10,10) detected! (Menten et al in prep) (Henkel et al 2005)

8 Redshifted Molecular Lines
z when  = 10 GHz CO (1-0) 10.5 HCN (1-0) 7.9 HCO+ (1-0) CS (1-0) 3.9 SiO (1-0) 3.3 NH3 (24 GHz) 1.4 H2O (22 GHz) 1.2 H2CO ( ) 0.45 HC3N (1-0) Any CH3OH (6.7 GHz) H2CO ( ) OH (1.8, 4.7, 6.0 GHz) z = 0.66 maser (Barvanis & Antonucci 2005) 5 mJy line Acceleration search (disks) HSN targets Cosmology

9 H2O Megamasers Associated with Type 2 nuclei Highly beamed NGC 4258:
- VLBI proper motions of maser spots - Line accelerations Geometric distance 7.2  0.5 Mpc (Herrnstein et al. 1999) Herrnstein et al. 1999 NGC 4258 (H2O masers can also occur in jets and outflows)

10 Redshifted Molecular Lines
z when  = 10 GHz CO (1-0) 10.5 HCN (1-0) 7.9 HCO+ (1-0) CS (1-0) 3.9 SiO (1-0) 3.3 NH3 (24 GHz) 1.4 H2O (22 GHz) 1.2 H2CO ( ) 0.45 HC3N (1-0) Any CH3OH (6.7 GHz) H2CO ( ) OH (1.8, 4.7, 6.0 GHz) No megamasers (Phillips et al 1998, Darling et al 2003) * Menten predicts broad shallow absorption akin to Galactic Center

11 Redshifted Molecular Lines
Biggs et al 2001 Line z when  = 10 GHz CO (1-0) 10.5 HCN (1-0) 7.9 HCO+ (1-0) CS (1-0) 3.9 SiO (1-0) 3.3 NH3 (24 GHz) 1.4 H2O (22 GHz) 1.2 H2CO ( ) 0.45 HC3N (1-0) Any CH3OH (6.7 GHz) H2CO ( ) OH (1.8, 4.7, 6.0 GHz) z = 0.7,0.9 gravitational lenses (Menten & Reid 1996, Menten et al. 1999)

12 Darling & Goldsmith (in prep) Darling & Goldsmith (in prep)
Galactic H2CO Dark Clouds: - “Anomalous” H2CO absorption (e.g. Palmer et al. 1969) - Absorption in multiple cm lines - No radio continuum source! Barnard 227 Darling & Goldsmith (in prep) NGC 2264 Darling & Goldsmith (in prep)

13 H2CO: The DASAR L ight A mplification by S timulated E mission of
R adiation Inversion: “Heating” of lines Tx >> Tkin Pump required: Chemical, collisional, radiative D arkness* A mplification** by S timulated A bsorption of R adiation Townes et al (1953) Anti-Inversion: “Cooling” of lines Tx < TCMB Pump required: Collisions with H2 *Not really dark. **Not a true amplification.

14 Darling & Goldsmith (in prep) Darling & Goldsmith (in prep)
Galactic H2CO Dark Clouds: - “Anomalous” H2CO absorption (e.g. Palmer et al. 1969) - Absorption in multiple cm lines - No radio continuum source! Can H2CO be observed in other galaxies? 2. Can “anomalous” H2CO absorption be observed in galaxy-scale analogs of Dark Clouds? Barnard 227 Darling & Goldsmith (in prep) NGC 2264 Darling & Goldsmith (in prep)

15 H2CO Absorption Against the CMB

16 H2CO: The DASAR The CMB is the ultimate illumination source:
Behind everything Everywhere Uniform on arcsec scales H2CO absorption against the CMB offers an unrivaled, extinction-free, mass-limited probe of dense (star-forming) molecular gas, independent of redshift!

17 Extragalactic H2CO Emission in (U)LIRGs (OH Megamasers) Arp 220
Baan, Guesten, & Haschick (1986) Extragalactic H2CO Emission in (U)LIRGs (OH Megamasers) Arp 220 III Zw 35 Absorption in starbursts (OH absorbers) NGC 520 NGC 660 Henkel & Darling (in prep)

18 Extragalactic H2CO Emission in (U)LIRGs (OH Megamasers) Arp 220
III Zw 35 Absorption in starbursts (OH absorbers) NGC 520 NGC 660 Henkel & Darling (in prep) NGC 660, 8.4 GHz Filho, Barthel, & Ho (2002)

19 Extragalactic H2CO So far… All OHMs show 6 cm emission in H2CO
All OH absorbers show 6 cm absorption H2CO 6 cm line flip at n(H2) ~ cm-3 A critical density threshold for OH megamasers? (there must also be a density upper limit where inversion is quenched… n(H2) ~ 106 cm-3) H2CO Survey of Local Star-Forming Galaxies (Mangum, Darling, Menten, & Henkel, 2007) M 82 Arp 220 6 cm 2 cm

20 Extragalactic H2CO So far… All OHMs show 6 cm emission in H2CO
(Mangum et al. 2007) So far… All OHMs show 6 cm emission in H2CO All OH absorbers show 6 cm absorption H2CO 6 cm line flip at n(H2) ~ cm-3 A critical density threshold for OH megamasers? (there is also an upper density where 2 cm line flips… n(H2) ~ cm-3) 2 cm (kilomaser) 6 cm OHMs

21 Extragalactic H2CO H2CO dasar effect spans 3 orders of magnitude in density cm line ratio is sensitive to n(H2) Darling & Zeiger

22 Extragalactic H2CO H2CO dasar effect is insensitive to TCMB
The effect likely becomes easier to detect with increasing redshift! Darling & Zeiger

23 Extragalactic H2CO Maser Emission in (U)LIRGs (OH Megamasers) Arp 220
Darling & Wiklind Extragalactic H2CO Maser Emission in (U)LIRGs (OH Megamasers) Arp 220 III Zw 35 Absorption in starbursts (OH absorbers) NGC 520 NGC 660 Absorption in dense clouds B PKS Biggs et al 2001

24 Redshifted Molecular Lines
z when  = 10 GHz CO (1-0) 10.5 HCN (1-0) 7.9 HCO+ (1-0) CS (1-0) 3.9 SiO (1-0) 3.3 NH3 (24 GHz) 1.4 H2O (22 GHz) 1.2 H2CO ( ) 0.45 HC3N (1-0) Any CH3OH (6.7 GHz) H2CO ( ) OH (1.8, 4.7, 6.0 GHz) IRAS z = 0.18 PKS OH HI z = 0.89 z = 0.26 megamaser z = 0.9 gravitational lens

25 Merging Galaxies:

26 OH Megamasers: Tracers of Major Mergers, Star Formation, and Massive Black Holes OH  FIR and favors dusty environments OHMs seem to indicate massive black holes (small sample) OHMs seem to favor a specific stage of merging, star formation Sampling a specific stage of merging  BH binary formation rate  long-period GW background There are many approaches to these problems; no single method will be a panacea.

27 Begelman, Blandford & Rees 1980
OH Megamasers: Tracers of Major Mergers, Star Formation, and Massive Black Holes (CSOs?) OH  FIR and favors dusty environments OHMs seem to indicate massive black holes (small sample) OHMs seem to favor a specific stage of merging, star formation Sampling a specific stage of merging  BH binary formation rate  long-period GW background There are many approaches to these problems; no single method will be a panacea. OHMs GWs Begelman, Blandford & Rees 1980

28 OH Megamasers in HI Surveys
Power-law LF Increasing Merger Rate Increasing Star Formation Briggs (1998): The deeper the HI survey, the more confusion with OH megamasers At z ~ 0.1 the OH line > HI line (but remains rare) At z ~ 1 there is ~ 1 OHM per deg2 Briggs (1988) 0.2 mJy 1 mJy 5 mJy 20 mJy

29 OH Megamaser Surveys: High(er) Redshift
Barriers RFI Receivers Rarity Boons Half of OH megamasers are QSO-like Current sensitivity is adequate for z ~ 1 More merging in past

30 Detecting OH Megamasers at High Redshift Submm Galaxies

31 PKS 1413+135: OH and HI Absorption
Conjugate OH satellite lines: 1612, 1720 MHz (see also Kanekar et al. 2004) Systematic offset from HI Is the offset physical? How to assess offsets? 13 km s-1

32 Variability in OH Megamasers: Super-VLBI Resolution
Multiple independent variable features with different timescales:  Segregates sizescales  May segregate positions  Offers sub- milliarcsecond resolution  Sensitivity is key

33 02524+2046 Observations: Day-to-day (and intraday) variation
Multiple narrow variable components 1665 MHz line varies, often (but not always) with 1667 Components often (but not always) correspond to peaks Darling (in prep)

34 Darling (in prep) Observations: Unprecedented matching between 1665 and 1667 MHz lines in average and variable fits, including flaring lines Variation envelope shows proportional 1667:1665 modulation of ~20% (~30% expected for point source) Size scales < 1 pc (0.3 milliarcsec) Tb > 81011 K (!) (What is line separation in sky?)

35 A Super-VLBI Single Dish Telescope
Variability Studies: A Super-VLBI Single Dish Telescope Variability studies can segregate size scales and on-sky projections of OH megamaser components with super-VLBI resolution (~pc at z = 0.2). Roughly half of luminous OMHs at z > 0.1 are variable/compact. We have identified compact 1665 MHz emission coincident with compact 1667 MHz lines. Observed phenomena are consistent with strong refractive ISS (and detailed tests are possible) ISS predictions are consistent with VLBI observations Long-term monitoring can identify small accelerations

36 Characterizing Variability
10% modulation 4.5 day timescale Assuming ISS Variable features: < 1.2 parsec Quiescent features: > 4 parsec

37 Characterizing Variability
10% modulation 4.5 day timescale Assuming ISS Variable features: < 1.2 parsec Quiescent features: > 4 parsec Robishaw, Heiles, & Quataert z = 0.217

38 Magnetic Fields in OH Megamasers
Robishaw, Heiles, & Quataert have detected Zeeman splitting in multiple OH megamaser galaxies! Prediction: Zeeman splitting will also be observable in OH conjugate lines and OH in molecular absorption systems (detectable at arbitrary redshift).

39 Discussion Questions: High Frequency
What can be done to improve 5-10 GHz sensitivity? Has double position switching been evaluated at high frequency? What bandwidths can be correlated? How good are baselines across 100 MHz? 1 GHz? The H2CO “densitometer” offers tremendous promise H2O surveys and studies (cosmology) NH3 tunneling lines High redshift CS How high in frequency can Arecibo still work with the HSA? What is the impact of strong continuum on Arecibo within the HSA? Any hope for observations of molecular absorption systems? Is there an irreducible noise floor? How low can we go? Can we have certainty when observing weak lines?

40 Discussion Questions: Low Frequency
Is 800 MHz feasible? OH (megamasers, conjugate lines, absorption) at z~1 HI absorption (intrinsic, gravitational lenses, damped Ly systems) Changing physical constants, peak of star formation, merging, BH growth Interferometer with GBT, possibly WSRT Are polarization observations possible with double position switching? B fields in single clouds at high z via OH conjugate lines, absorption Is there an irreducible noise floor in L-band or below? (How low can we go?)

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