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Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 Data Processing & Quality Control Quality Control Group head: Reinhard.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 Data Processing & Quality Control Quality Control Group head: Reinhard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 Data Processing & Quality Control Quality Control Group head: Reinhard Hanuschik 7+1 QC scientists (astronomers) sitting in TOB (with DMO) Reinhard Hanuschik

2 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 pipeline-process all VLT+VLTI data certify calibration products, store in archive process science data, store in archive create data packages for PIs QC mission: ensure that science data can be calibrated, to a known and documented level

3 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 supported: –all Paranal instruments: 11 VLT, 2 VLTI instruments, plus survey telescopes (VISTA, OCAM) close interaction with: –Paranal Science Operations –User Support –other groups at DPD (External Data Products, Science Data Products) –Archive Department

4 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 statistics per month: –50.000 processing jobs (20.000 VLT, 30.000 VIRCAM) (+150% in 2 years) –6 TB raw data processed –0.8 TB product data created and archived –120 SM data packages –300 DVDs processing: –on 13 dual-core blades, plus –on a cluster of 20 dual-core blades (VIRCAM, HAWKI, OCAM)

5 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 how do data get here? –data transfer Paranal – Antofagasta – Santiago – Garching –microwave link: now at 10 Mbits/sec –sufficient for all VLT(I) data plus VIRCAM calibrations –most raw files available in archive within minutes –next step: fibre link Paranal – Antofagasta (EVALSO, 2010/2011)

6 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 how is QC making use of it? process calibration data: incremental and automatic processing –once per hour: look for new CALIB data –pipeline-process them in the QC way (dynamic associations within pool of data, fine-tuned processing parameters etc.) –create QC reports –calculate scores –put this information on the web –do this 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week  quasi-real time quality control and feedback –evaluated by: –QC scientist –Paranal daytime or nighttime astronomer –QC does review/certification (off-line)

7 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 an example … life product monitor examples:2010-07-122010-07-13today (all fine)(quality problem)?

8 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 life product monitor examples:2010-07-122010-07-13today (all fine)(quality problem)?

9 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 rms_fit – rms of fitted dispersion solution

10 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 for comparison: healthy situation HC monitor link:

11 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 nlin_acc - number of lines for the dispersion solution

12 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 mean_R – mean resolving power

13 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 certification / rejection: interaction & analysis by QC scientist product monitor examples:2010-07-122010-07-13today (all fine)(quality problem)?

14 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 QC review and certification –this is done off-line (Mon-Fri, 5/2) –score-based –review all red scores, plus selected green scores –analyze issues –reject or certify –communicate with PSO certified master calibrations go into archive

15 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 one QC data point = one calibration product trending of all core instrument components for complete history of instrument

16 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 quick-look: score version –concentrates on compliance with predefined thresholds –numerical values replaced by scores: simple and graphical –hierarchical score scheme  instrument score

17 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 Health Check monitor: –central tool for quality feedback to Paranal SciOps –closes the feedback loop: raw – pipeline – scores - HC –up-to-date at timescale of 1 hour –based mostly on CALIB information (daytime, nighttime) –includes also SCIENCE information (image quality; VIRCAM: zero points)

18 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 The process for SCIENCE data –pipeline-processing: off-line –all pipeline supported instrument modes (40-50) –SM or VM: does not matter –use certified master calibrations –no strict certification process (on-line quality is graded ABCD by SciOps); feedback about quality problems or uncalibrated OBs given to USD and SciOps –products are ingested into archive –data packages are stored on the User Portal and available there for PIs –timescale for User Portal availability to PIs: –raw data within minutes after acquisition –product data within days (or faster)

19 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 the end

20 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 processing level of SCIENCE data –pipelines: originally mainly for quality control and quick look –goal: remove instrumental and atmospheric signatures strong push from community towards science-grade quality –sheer volume of raw data –complexity of data reduction push pipelines and calibration plans towards science-grade products (SDP) to be implemented within the QC scheme: mass production with pipelines, not fine-tuned towards specific scientific goal

21 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 the end

22 Data Processing & Quality Control Group [] Faculty Meeting Sept. 2010 calChecker: automatic interface to check completeness of calibrations –again: feedback scale less than one hour –24/7 –checks completeness of all calibrations formally required for science, within validity range calCheckercalChecker live

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