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Published byToby Howard Modified over 9 years ago
P4ITS Meeting #7 Giacomo Somma Project coordinator
Benef. numberBenef. short-nameFirst nameFamily name 1ERTICOGiacomoSomma 2NDRLasseStender 3ATE BiancaKapl 5VLJozefCannaerts 6VIGOManuelMonroy 6VIGOAntonioVivero 7CTAGJose ManuelMartinez 9VTTSatuInnamaa 10ÉARDAMelindaMátrai 11ITS BretagneImadFhail 12VERONABrunoPezzuto 13LISTChristopheFeltus 14 ITS Sweden (STA)ÅkeÖhrnberg 15LIGURIA SilviaRisso 16 OHLCMiguelMelchor 17TOPOS (CEREMA)Jean-PhilippeMéchin Participants list Excused 4ASFINAG BernhardJelinek 8FTAKariHiltunen
Meeting objectives and agenda
P4ITS objectives (second year) Overall project objectives Mutual learning and training Set up an external consultation process Raise awareness on PPI in C-ITS purchasers Propose key recommendations (guidelines) for PPI in C-ITS Consolidate P4ITS into a sustainable longer-term network Specific WP4 objectives (M13 – M18) Interact with external stakeholders on the network's discussion paper Collect feedback Input the consolidated feedback in the network's work plan Specific WP5 objectives (M19 – M24) Trigger in-depth discussion on the updated identified barriers, or new topics identified Prepare draft key recommendations/guidelines
P4ITS Meeting #6, Vienna, 21-22.05.2015 Main outcomes of Meeting #6: External workshop follow-up with the following Working Group parallel sessions: resulting in first draft recommendations to the EC and launch of second analysis phase. Meeting #6 follow-up: Prepare and submit to EC the following deliverables: D4.1: WP4 external meetings proceedings and feedback (done) D4.2: Updated network topics description and work plan (pending) –Decision: deliver 1-page D4.2 stating that network topics and work plan have not changed. Prepare the final event at the ITS World Congress (presentation of first recommendations) Working Group 1 "PPI approaches, IPR & legal aspects" Working Group 2 "Major PPI challenges & mitigation plans" Working Group 3 "PPI and (Cooperative) ITS"
Objectives P4ITS Meeting #6 Meeting #7 Task 4.2 - Identification of potential enablers and discussion topics update (end M18) Based on feedback received, identify PPI enablers remaining realistic in the scale of their potential achievement (e.g. aligning competition laws in all MS is not considered as a realistic enabler) Identify which points could be effectively addressed through a concerted approach and which will have realistically the highest impact, thus leading to update network discussion topics Prepare the work plan of the second analysis phase (WP5) and update meetings planning for 2016. In addition: Finalise the preparation of the P4ITS session at the 22 nd ITS World Congress Prepare P4ITS towards a sustainable longer-term network (new partners, funding opportunities, etc.) –Check PPI / C-ITS projects and programs (European / national) Provide the EC with feedback on identified PPI bottlenecks to highlight funding needs for the key areas, where action could be needed to supplement regional and national instruments
Agenda of P4ITS Meeting #7 Day 1 – Tuesday, 15 September 2015 08:30Arrival of the participants 09:00 – 09:10Opening and welcome 09:10 – 09:30 Meeting objectives and agenda Network management and status overview 09:30 – 10:30 Session 1: Presentations (15 minutes each + discussion): Public procurement of ITS innovation: experience from Finland (Ville Valovirta, VTT) NordicWay cooperation project (Kari Hiltunen, FTA) 10:30 – 11:00Coffee break 11:00 – 12:30 Session 2: In-depth discussion on updated discussion points & enablers 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch 13:30 – 15:00 Session 2 (continued) 15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break 15:30 – 17:00 Session 3: Preparation of draft key recommendations / guidelines 18:30Network dinner sponsored by FTA
Agenda of P4ITS Meeting #7 Day 2 – Wednesday, 16 September 2015 08:30 – 10:30Session 3 (continued) 10:30 – 11:00Coffee break 11:30 – 12:30 Session 4: Discussion on setting-up a sustainable longer-term network P4ITS session preparation & promotion, and partners presence at the 22 nd ITS World Congress Update of work plan, next steps and next meetings 12:30 End of the meeting 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
Network management status overview
Second Annual Review Independent experts already approved: Daniel Gaultier: Actually retired; former Director of European programs at SAGEM DS (FR). Expertise in road automation, ADAS and HMI. Reviewer and evaluator of procurement actions. Francesco Fionda: Project Manager at the Regional Public Authority of the Aosta Valley, Italy. Expertise in open innovation, PPI and PCP, support for innovation and technology transfer, cross-border cooperation, Living Labs for intelligent mobility and e-health. Review information: Format: the consortium opted for a physical Review instead of a remote review; Participants: EC project officer, two independent experts and ERTICO, which has been delegated by other partners except NDR and CTAG who will participate as WP leaders. Date & place: 21 January 2016, 10:00–13:30 CET, at DG CNECT premises in Brussels
Associated Partners update New associated partner: DG Traffic Spain –Need to engage them together with ITS Spain Other potential Associated Partners? Perspectives for partnerships on PPI for (C-)ITS?
Network Meeting Beneficiary NM # 1NM # 2 NM # 3NM # 4NM # 5NM # 6NM # 7 Missed 1ERTICOxxxMxxx 2NDRxxxExxx 3ATExxxExxx 4ASFINAGxxxTxx1 5VLxIxx3 6VIGOxNx4 7CTAGxxxGxxx 8FTAxxxxx1 9VTTxxxCxxx 10ÉARDAxxAxxx1 11ITS BretagnexxxNxxx 12VERONAxxCxx2 13LISTxxxExxx 14ITS Sweden (STA)xxxLxx1 15LIGURIAxxxLxxx 16OHLCxxxExx1 17TOPOS (CEREMA)xxxDxx1 P4ITS meetings attendance by partners Expectations?Contributions?
Public procurement of ITS innovation: experience from Finland, Ville Valovirta, VTT NordicWay cooperation project, Kari Hiltunen, FTA
Intro to Sessions
WP5: 2 nd analysis phase WP5 objectives (M19 – M24): Trigger in-depth discussion on the updated identified barriers, or new topics identified Prepare draft key recommendations/guidelines Task 5.1 - Analysis of the updated discussion points/enablers The network will hold a meeting (Helsinki, 15-16 Sep 2015) to move forward on the identified enablers. Network partners will have to: –process external feedback and provide a possible answer to realise the enablers; –have a close look at the latest PPI experiences and actual cases –look at the legal context, evolved with the entry into force of the new public procurement directives Task 5.2 - Towards the delivery of recommendations The network will hold a meeting (Genoa, 2-3 Dec 2015) to discuss potential recommendations. Partners should identify items where a consensus and a consolidated approach can be reached, and can have a positive impact for the market deployment of cooperative ITS. Partners should produce a short internal report summarising the rationale behind the production of recommendations, and a draft structure of the recommendations deliverable to be documented into written meetings proceedings, and made publicly available.
Recommendations/guidelines paper A4 format - Each chapter structured in small “modules” that can be read stand alone as in P3ITS handbook with colored box text-shapes with Pros/Cons/Risks (green/red/yellow) and practical examples (blue) TOC: Intro on how we intend PPI (short version from Discussion paper – PPI flowchart without TRL) Intro on the C-ITS context we look at in relation to PPI (Flowchart with TRL) In-depth analysis of PPI approaches, legal aspects & IPRs –Legal framework (Procurement Directive, procedures with TRL (Trafikverket), explanation that PPI is procedure-neutral) 1.5-2 pages –Approaches to PPI Table in 1 page (Lasse ppt from Verona) –Elaboration on legal aspects (e.g. Jean-Philippe presentation from Bordeaux, Deloitte study?) –IPRs In-depth analysis of PPI and (Cooperative) ITS –PPI and TRL together with WG3 table –Suitability of PPI for C-ITS (Day-1 technology, market, risk,) –Practical examples of PPI in C-ITS (national/EU, like SCOOP@F, Eco-ATE, NordicWay,...) Ways forward to PPI –PPI Enablers –Some recommendations for policy makers –Some recommendations for public procurers
PPI enablers To be elaborated at P4ITS Meeting #8
Key points for a concerted approach To be elaborated at P4ITS Meeting #8
Other news, events, publications, …? Please give echo to P4ITS on your website and provide inputs for the P4ITS website Inputs? suggestions? Please send them to
Next steps
WP6: Final recommendations and continuation framework WP6 objectives (M25 – M30): Finalise recommendations Decide on the need and conditions for the continuation of the network Task 6.1 - Network recommendations Network meeting # 9 (Place, date Feb. 2016) Reach a common position on some topics and propose some recommendations, based on draft doc; The network recommendations: –Target Group(s): addressed to themselves (as procuring authorities), to a specific type of external stakeholders (e.g. industry suppliers) or to the community at large; –Rationale: be specific, realistic and support the deployment of C-ITS through wider use of PPI approaches. PPI will be presented in a critical way, with advantages and disadvantages, and in the context of the different tools supporting C-ITS deployment, with areas where PPI is more adequate than other tools. –Format: short deliverable, easy to communicate on; attractive format for a wide dissemination is expected. Task 6.2 - Network continuation Network meeting # 10 (Place, date May 2016) Decide whether the network will continue its activity after the end of the project : YES or NO, format, objectives in a wider context (pilot deployment projects, readiness of the C-ITS market, number of PPI cases undertaken in Europe, implementation of the new public procurement directives, etc.) If YES, sign a letter of commitment, highlighting the main objectives of the follow-up network, potential format of the network, its sources of financing (e.g., subscription based) and its terms of reference.
Expectations, contributions, continuation CTAG & VIGO: good learning, C-ITS focus, OK to continue provided there are funding opportunities. VTT: good learning, funding needed to continue, need to see benefit and go from high to practical level to be able produce best practices for daily work of Finnish procurers. LIST: new partnership to investigate & provide procurement tool to support the PPI tendering and select the best solution; funding opportunity could be MG6.1-2016 (not a PPI call, interest by city of Tampere. OHLC: interest to continue, but need to define the right framework. ATE: good network, good dynamics, interest to continue collecting best practices examples to create a body of knowledge on PPI (funding needed, CSA?), but not to go for actual joint procurement action for now EARDA: learning phase for change management, stage-1 PCP proposal submitted, but not sure about continuation due to company re-organisation in the near future. VL: good networking partnership; no continuation due to re-organisation; Flemish innovation agency could be right partner; push to address procurement aspects in WG in the EU C-ITS platform (knowledge creating / sharing). Send them final recommendations deliverable. Set up an EU project to work as WG in EU C-ITS Platform (like the EIP European ITS platform, follow-up of EasyWay project, now EIP+ and soon EU-EIP, funded by H2020 and CEF)? NDR: good common understanding achieved on “flexible thinking” about PPI / procurement, hoped to have more legal/procurement expertise in the network learning limited on these aspects; very positive about continuation with another EU project to provide legal advice on flexible framework to allow C-ITS deployment. ITSB: set up training programme / promotion as next step? Agree with VTT & LIST. ITSS / STA: good learning, continuation to be considered depending on focus (procurement vs. ITS). TOPOS/CEREMA: re-organisation after ITS WC might lead to terminate TOPOS, so possible continuation as CEREMA. CEREMA’s continuation in P4ITS depends role in EU-EIP, where CEREMA is partner and on policy level decision. Indeed a national WG will be set up in coming months to define guidelines and create software for public procurers for implementing new French procurement law. VERONA: support VTT proposal, but need to see possibility of follow up due to entity reorganisation. LIGURIA: support VTT proposal, but feasibility depending on legal frameworks developed at national level, which can be a barriers to common approach (depends on policy level decision). ERTICO: challenge as coordinator to elaborate on legal, procurement, ITS aspects, but good value to work with P4ITS network; a different project structure could have facilitated the work and the contributions of each partner (e.g., vertical axes for specific legal, ITS, etc. aspects and horizontal axis to bring everything together); need to seek EU funding opportunities where VTT proposal for continuation could fit in, provided that this coagulates interest of ERTICO partnership.
Work plan update & next meetings Revision of work plan confirmed as agreed in Meeting #2, i.e. meeting planned in Dec. 2014 is cancelled Next meetings: 1,5 day meeting as follows: –Day 1 will be a full day (9:00-17:00) –Day 2 will be a half day (9:00-14:00) Meeting #7 15-16 September 2015, Helsinki, Finland (hosted by VTT) Meeting #8 2-3 December 2015, Genoa, Italy (hosted by Regione Liguria) –2 Dec. full day (9:00-17:30) –3 Dec. half day (9:00-14:00) Meeting #9 19-20 January 2016, Brussels, Belgium (hosted by ERTICO) –19 Jan. half day (13:30-17:30) –20 Jan. full day (9:00-17:30) Meeting #10 5-6 April 2016, Vigo, Spain (hosted by Vigo City Council) – 2 full days (from 9:00 to 17:30)
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