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Words Unite Us. THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN GREECE Vasiliki Tsianika School of European Education of Herakleio- Krete.

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Presentation on theme: "Words Unite Us. THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN GREECE Vasiliki Tsianika School of European Education of Herakleio- Krete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Words Unite Us

2 THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN GREECE Vasiliki Tsianika School of European Education of Herakleio- Krete


4 Pre-Primary Education(Nipiagogeio) (2 years)  Nipiagogeio is optional for the first year.  They accept children from 4 years old.  Most Nipiagogeia are state-run, but there are also private ones.

5 Primary school (Dimotiko) Primary Education (Dimotiko) is…  compulsory  lasts for six years  children enter at the age of 6. They all begin their lessons at 08:10 but they don’t finish at the same time. Younger children go home earlier. Grading system: 1 st & 2 nd grade oral description of the pupils progress 3 rd & 4 th grade: A-D 5 th & 6 TH grade: 1-10 (1-4 are never used)

6 MULTICULTURAL SCHOOL OF EUROPEAN EDUCATION MINORITY (Muslim minority of Thrace) MINORITY (Muslim minority of Thrace) MODEL EXPERIMENTAL (cooperate with universities) MODEL EXPERIMENTAL (cooperate with universities) SPECIAL (pupils with severe disabilities) SPECIAL (pupils with severe disabilities) Different types of primary schools Different types of primary schools

7 Hellenic (Greek) language and literature Mathematics History Geography Physics Environmental education Music Art Theatre Foreign languages Computers Physical Education Citizenship education Religion Hellenic (Greek) language and literature Mathematics History Geography Physics Environmental education Music Art Theatre Foreign languages Computers Physical Education Citizenship education Religion

8 Second foreign language French - German 2 hours/week, starting from the 5 th grade 2 - 4 hours / week

9 SECONDARY EDUCATION Gymnasium (3 YEARS) General Ecclesiastical Experimental Music Athletical Art Evening SCHOOL OF EUROPEAN EDUCATION

10 SECONDARY EDUCATION Lyceum (3 YEARS) General Ecclesiastical Experimental Art Athletical Music Technical-- Vocational Evening SCHOOL OF EUROPEAN EDUCATION

11 Ancient and Modern Hellenic language and literature Mathematics Physics Chemistry Geography History Biology Social and Political Studies Computer and Technology Art Music Religion Economics Physical Education Foreign Languages

12 To enter most types of these schools students must pass certain exams English: 2 hours/week 2 nd Foreign language: 2 hours/week English: 2 hours/week 2 nd Foreign language: 2 hours/week Grading system Gymnasium - Lyceum 1-20 Grading system Gymnasium - Lyceum 1-20 LYCEUM is NOT compulsory

13 National level Universities Technological Education Institutes At the 3 rd Grade of Lyceum

14 If you want more details…

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