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UNCLASSIFIED National Defense University Center for Complex Operations An Initial Framework for Transitional Public Security Bernie Carreau SSE IPR Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "UNCLASSIFIED National Defense University Center for Complex Operations An Initial Framework for Transitional Public Security Bernie Carreau SSE IPR Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNCLASSIFIED National Defense University Center for Complex Operations An Initial Framework for Transitional Public Security Bernie Carreau SSE IPR Workshop 12-13 May 2014 Pre-decisional working papers.

2 UNCLASSIFIED Transitional public security (TPS) is the promotion, restoration, and maintenance of public order by U.S. and coalition military forces in major operations and campaigns involving a large U.S. military presence TPS applies to: Major combat operations Direct support to COIN Peacekeeping operations with a large US presence Humanitarian assistance/disaster relief Transitional Public Security - Definition

3 UNCLASSIFIED When host country institutions are not capable of maintaining public order and security, the Joint Force, preferably in concert with host nation, interagency, and multinational partners, must be able to quickly establish and maintain a secure environment that establishes the basis for long-term stability. (The presence of large numbers of intervention forces on the ground implies de facto responsibility for TPS regardless of the purpose or mandate of the mission.) The Military Problem

4 UNCLASSIFIED BLUF: Within the USG, only DoD is capable of implementing TPS. DOD must plan in advance to execute TPS activities immediately after a conflict or destabilizing incident. Staffing: SMEs, including international and interagency, on staff Transitions: plan to transfer authority and control of all the stability tasks to an internationally recognized governing organization (such as the UN) or the host country as the host country’s capabilities and capacities increase NB: TPS can never be transitioned to State, Justice, or any other interagency partner DOD Responsibility

5 UNCLASSIFIED Key elements of TPS comprise the holistic approach. They include: Narrative: Ensures words and deeds support/synch with each other and overall political strategy Security from Organized Violence: Protect the populace and infrastructure from militias, gangs, “death squads,” foreign invaders Security from Inter-personal Violence: Protect the populace from looting, rape, robbery, assault Governance and Participation: Establish transparent executive decision-making structure that provides the populace a voice Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Restore ability to resolve disputes in timely, credible, and culturally-appropriate ways; may include informal justice systems Justice, Law Enforcement, and Corrections: Re-establish legitimate courts, law-enforcement, and corrections institutions that address grievances, reduce crime, and detain criminals Transitional Public Security - Key Elements

6 UNCLASSIFIED Transitional Public Security Key Elements and Tasks Security from Organized Violence Security from Inter-Personal Violence Justice, Law Enforcement, and Corrections Dispute Resolution Mechanisms Governance & Participation 1. Protect indigenous individuals and infrastructure 2. Manage state and non-state actors 3. Protect territorial integrity 4. Protect governance 5. Protect reconstruction personnel 1. Establish interim security force 2. Leverage informal organizations 3. Develop or re-establish indigenous police 4. Establish interim detention system 1. Assess strategic guidance 2. Design transitional governance 3. Execute transitional governance 1. Assess existing mechanisms 2. Support or adapt local dispute resolution mechanisms 1. Assess existing systems 2. Design and implement interim system Narrative

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