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State Funding for Schools in Oklahoma and Tulsa Public Schools Dr. Keith Ballard, Superintendent May 2, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "State Funding for Schools in Oklahoma and Tulsa Public Schools Dr. Keith Ballard, Superintendent May 2, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Funding for Schools in Oklahoma and Tulsa Public Schools Dr. Keith Ballard, Superintendent May 2, 2013

2 State Funding for Schools in Oklahoma and Tulsa Public Schools State funding and student enrollment growth TPS state aid and ad valorem revenues TPS spending reductions 2009-2012 Budget issues for 2013-14

3 Oklahoma State Funding and Student Enrollment Source:, Severe Education Funding Cuts Threaten Oklahoma's Economic Future, Feb. 19,2013

4 Decline in Revenue: TPS Ad Valorem, Formula State Aid, and Stabilization Funds

5 Tulsa Public Schools: 2009-2012 Spending Reductions 2008-09 District Projects ($1,410,984) 2009-10 Departmental Spending (1,326,181) Additional Attrition – Various Positions (800,000) Transportation Savings - Change Bell Times (405,728) Furlough Days (445,000) Volunteer Substitutes (400,000) 2010-11 Reduced 225 Teaching FTE (9,445,155) Reduced Net 130 Admin/Support FTE (2,755,902) Reduced Teacher Assistants (337,900) Utility Costs - Energy Education (1,000,000) Departmental Spending (1,076,289) 2011-12 Project Schoolhouse Year 1 (2,700,000) Total ($22,103,139)

6 Tulsa Public Schools: 2013-2014 Budget Issues 1. SQ 766 and the loss of ad valorem revenues on intangible property. Experts estimate the loss to Common Education could be as high as $100 million. Loss to TPS is estimated to be $2.5-6 million. 2. Under-funded state mandates and 2013 Supplemental Appropriation Request: – Health insurance $8.5 million – Reading Sufficiency $6.5 million – ACE Remediation $15 million – State Aid Formula $5.9 million 3. Federal sequestration – loss of 5.1% in 2013-14 federal funding sources. Approximately $1.8 million loss to TPS.

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