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Graduate Program Assessment: A Pilot Study Using a Common Activity and Combined Rubric Rana Khan, Ph.D., Director, Biotechnology Program Datta Kaur Khalsa,

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Presentation on theme: "Graduate Program Assessment: A Pilot Study Using a Common Activity and Combined Rubric Rana Khan, Ph.D., Director, Biotechnology Program Datta Kaur Khalsa,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduate Program Assessment: A Pilot Study Using a Common Activity and Combined Rubric Rana Khan, Ph.D., Director, Biotechnology Program Datta Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D., Director of Assessment, Education Department Kathryn Klose, Ph.D., Associate Chair & Director, Finance Management and Accounting Yan Cooksey, Ph.D. Director, Learning Outcomes Assessment, Dean’s Office Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

2 Course Outcomes Program Objectives Undergraduate and Graduate School Goals Institutional Outcomes UMUC’s LEVELS OF ASSESSMENT Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

3 STUDENT LEARNING EXPECTATIONS (SLEs) Written Communication (COMM) Produce writing that meets expectations for format, organization, content, purpose, and audience. Information Literacy (INFO) Demonstrate the ability to use libraries and other information resources to effectively locate, select, and evaluate needed information. Critical Thinking (THIN) Demonstrate the use of analytical skills and reflective processing of information. Technology Fluency (TECH) Demonstrate an understanding of information technology broad enough to apply technology productively to academic studies, work, and everyday life. Content/Discipline-Specific Knowledge (KNOW) Demonstrate knowledge and competencies specific to program or major area of study. UMUC GRADUATE SCHOOL SLEs Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

4 CURRENT APPROACH: 3-3-3 MODEL 3 rounds, over 3 years, at 3 stages 5 SLEs: COMM, THIN, INFO, TECH, KNOW Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

5 3-3-3 Model ASSESSING THE ASSESSMENT Strengths:Weaknesses: Tested rubricsAdded faculty workload Reasonable collection points Lack of consistency in assignments Larger samples - more data for analysis Variability in applying scoring rubrics Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

6 Common activity Topic for all disciplines – “Challenges facing leaders” Combined activity 4 SLEs (all except KNOW) SLE criteria from existing rubrics – eliminate overlap 4-pt scale (Exemplary, Competent, Marginal & Unsatisfactory) Training raters and norming COMBINED ACTIVITY/RUBRIC (C2) MODEL Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

7 Current 3-3-3 Model Combined Activity/Rubric (C2) Model Multiple Rubrics: one for each of 4 SLEs Single rubric for all 4 SLEs Multiple assignments across graduate school Single assignment across graduate school One to multiple courses/4 SLEsSingle course/4 SLEs Multiple raters for the same assignment/course Same raters/assignment/course Untrained ratersTrained raters 3-3-3 VS COMBINED ACTIVITY/RUBRIC (C2) MODEL Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

8 DESIGN OF A PILOT STUDY Purpose: –To simplify the current assessment process –To increase the process reliability and validity Methods: –Courses were identified –Faculty chosen to be raters –Norming sessions were conducted –Paper were collected and assessed –Intra-Class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was calculated Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

9 Implementation Process of Pilot Study Week 1 Norming Session 1: Rater orientation of scoring process, activity, rubric and timeline Week 2 Scoring Session 1: Anchor paper grading Norming Session 2: Asynchronous comparative discussion Week 3 Norming Session 3: Live conference discussing anchor results and rubric questions Week 4 Scoring Session 2: 10-day grading period of all student papers by raters Week 5 Norming Session 4: Live conference on results with feedback for improvement Week 6 Pilots student data processed and analyzed SPRING 2012 PILOT NORMING Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

10 Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) estimation of inter-rater reliability one-way random effects ANOVA model PHASE I PILOT RESULTS >0.75, excellent; 0.40 to 0.75, fair to good/moderate; <0.40 poor Source: Fleiss (1986) on ICC values clinical & social science research Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

11 Item Intra-class Correlation THIN Conceptualization0.396 Analysis0.493 Synthesis0.509 Conclusion0.390 Implications0.201 INFO Evaluation0.430 Incorporation0.381 Ethical Use0.335 COMM Context/Purpose0.316 Content/Ideas/Support0.475 Organization0.444 Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation0.456 TECH Tech Mgmt.0.175 Info Retrieval0.512 PHASE I PILOT RESULTS Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

12 PHASE I PILOT RESULTS Overall Descriptive Statistics (N=91) MeanMedianMode Std. Deviation MinimumMaximum THIN Conceptualization3.2473.3503.5.48231.84.0 Analysis3.0913.1503.3.51941.54.0 Synthesis3.0533.1503.5.58391.54.0 Conclusion2.9983.1003.5.60241.14.0 Implication2.9353.0003.0.60261.04.0 INFO Evaluation3.2583.2503.3.49612.04.0 Incorporation3.1583.2503.3.51911.54.0 Ethical Use3.5793.7504.0.54251.04.0 COMM Context/Purpose3.2253.3003.5.49001.84.0 Content/Ideas/Support3.1053.1503.3.50792.04.0 Organization3.1163.2503.3.55751.54.0 Grammar/Spelling/ Punctuation 3.1153.2503.5.55931.84.0 TECH Tech Mgmt.3.6213.7503.8.42131.84.0 Info Retrieval3.6393.7503.8.41101.04.0 Total45.09345.80045.2 a 5.554129.555.4 a.Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown b.Scale: Exemplary: 3.1-4.0; Competent: 2.1-3.0; Marginal 1.1-2.0; Unsatisfactory: 0-1.0 Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

13 PILOT INTENTIONS  Consistency in interpretation of rubric  Consistency in use of rubric  Address variability of data collection  Limit extra load on faculty Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

14 LESSONS LEARNED Review alignment Consolidate rubric further Tech management criteria Norming practice Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

15 “Refined Rubric and Random Paper Grading Study.” Same raters Same papers but distributed randomly More norming practice with the refined rubric Increase evidence of combined rubric validity FUTURE DIRECTION - PHASE II Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012


17 REFERENCE Fleiss, J. L. (1986). Design and analysis of clinical experiments. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

18 CONTACT Rana Khan : Datta Kaur-Khalsa : Kathryn Klose : Yan Cooksey : Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

19 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS John Aje Diane Bartoo Nancy Glenn Kathy Marconi Dan McCollum Garth McKenzie Pat Spencer Rudy Watson Bruce Katz Dawn Rodriguez Carol De’Arment Pat Miller Lisa Parsons Katie Crockett Anthony Cristillo Sloan Conference Oct 11, 2012

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