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Media “The 4 th Branch of Government” Another LINKAGE INSTITUTION.

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Presentation on theme: "Media “The 4 th Branch of Government” Another LINKAGE INSTITUTION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media “The 4 th Branch of Government” Another LINKAGE INSTITUTION

2 Functions of the Media Entertainment News Agenda setting – ability of the media to draw public attention to certain issues and to ignore other issues Political forum – place to make announcements or advertise government

3 Structure of Media Print media – newspaper, magazine, etc. –Oldest, being steadily replaced Electronic Media – radio, TV –TV now is the primary source of news Internet – instant information, any time –Replacing print and electronic media –Blogs (short for Web Log) –527’s – groups that independently raise money and campaign for and against people –Not regulated by the FEDERAL Election Commission


5 Media Conglomerates Gannet owns USA Today and controls the biggest circulation in the nation + owns 100 additional papers Rupert Murdoch owns 124 radio stations, New York Post, Weekly Standard, and FOX News

6 Case Study - Viacom Media Conglomerate – Viacom CBS News MTV VH1 BET Blockbuster Paramount Pictures Nickelodeon DreamWorks Showtime

7 Government Regulation 1 st Amendment – freedom of press Gov’t can’t place “prior restraint” on news (can’t censor news before it is released) The press is not entirely free

8 FCC Federal Communications Commission Controls the media, no one may operate radio or TV stations without their license Who are they? – 5 members (no more than 3 from the same political party) nominated by US President for 5 years.

9 FCC “Friends” Howard Stern Eminem“Man Cow”

10 Telecommunications Act of 1996 Relaxed limitations on media ownership –Own up to 35% of television market –Own unlimited % of radio Remember Rockefeller and Horizontal Integration???

11 Impact of Media on Politics “sound bites” – second long segments Stories/political messages are shortened, and made to seem less complex than reality

12 Media and Political Campaigns Advertising – very expensive on TV, way to reach many voters, raising campaign costs News coverage – “free” coverage, politicians will attempt to create events where media will attend for free publicity –Spin doctor – one who tries to influence journalists with interpretations of events that are favorable to the candidate Presidential Debates

13 Media and Gov’t Officials White House Press Corp – journalists whose sole job is to follow the President White House Press Secretary – responsible for addressing the press daily and answer questions for the president –Tony Snow, former FOX broadcaster –Dana Perino took over 9-14-07

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