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MACROMOLECULE S. Evaporation: water changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state Transpiration: water exits the leaves of a plant and evaporates into.

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Presentation on theme: "MACROMOLECULE S. Evaporation: water changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state Transpiration: water exits the leaves of a plant and evaporates into."— Presentation transcript:


2 Evaporation: water changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state Transpiration: water exits the leaves of a plant and evaporates into the air Condensation: water rises and cools into tiny droplets that form clouds Precipitation: water returns from the air to Earth’s surface (rain, snow, sleet, hail) Runoff: water runs along the surface through a river or a stream Seepage: water sinks through the surface deep into the groundwater Root Uptake: roots of plants soak up water and transport it through rest of plant


4 How water from Katy Perry’s shower ended up in Mr. Kim’s coffee Katy Perry’s shower, drains into lake From lake evaporates into air, condenses into clouds Precipitates into Arizona canals Man-made runoff through canals into drinking water Gets brewed into coffee


6 N UCLEIC A CIDS ARE MADE UP OF NUCLEOTIDE S Nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) store and transmit genetic information DNA is the “instruction code” on how to create an organism

7 PROTEINS ARE MADE UP OF AMINO ACIDS There are only 20 different types of amino acids Amino acids are chained together by peptide bonds to create large proteins Proteins make up the majority of tissues in organisms

8 PROTEINS ARE MADE UP OF AMINO ACIDS Some proteins are created directly in our cells by ribosomes Others must be absorbed through foods such as meat, legumes, nuts, eggs, dairy products, soy products

9 CARBOHYDRATES ARE MADE UP OF SUGARS Carbohydrates are a source of energy Simple sugars (sweets, candy, fruits) provide quick short bursts of energy Complex carbs (bread, pasta, starches) provide long-term energy

10 Some organisms use carbs for structural support as well

11 LIPIDS ARE MADE UP OF FATTY ACIDS lipids provide insulation, loooong-term energy storage, and make up plasma membranes


13 Glucose (Simple carb) Triglyceride (fatty acids)

14 Fats (lipids) are an effective way to store a LOT of energy for LONG periods of time

15 LIPIDS ARE MADE UP OF FATTY ACIDS Lipids can be obtained from meats, oils, eggs, avocados, nuts, and Netflix binges

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