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NUMBERS AND ANIMALS. UNIT: NUMBERS AND ANIMALS One = uno Two = dos Three = tres Four = cuatro Five = cinco Six = seis Seven = siete Eigth = ocho Nine.

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Presentation on theme: "NUMBERS AND ANIMALS. UNIT: NUMBERS AND ANIMALS One = uno Two = dos Three = tres Four = cuatro Five = cinco Six = seis Seven = siete Eigth = ocho Nine."— Presentation transcript:


2 UNIT: NUMBERS AND ANIMALS One = uno Two = dos Three = tres Four = cuatro Five = cinco Six = seis Seven = siete Eigth = ocho Nine = nueve Ten diez

3 UNIT: NUMBERS AND ANIMALS Eleven= once. Twelve= doce. Thirteen= trece. Fourteen= catorce. Fifteen= quince. Sixteen= dieciséis. Seventeen= diecisiete. Eighteen= dieciocho. Nineteen= diecinueve. Twenty= veinte.

4 UNIT: NUMBERS AND ANIMALS Lion= león. Tiger= tigre. Snake= serpiente. Rhino= rinoceronte. Dog= perro. Cat= gato. Chicken= pollo. Panter= pantera. frog= sapo. Zebra= cebra. Horse= caballo. Dolphin= delfín. Elephant= elefante. Owl= búho.

5 UNIT: NUMBERS AND ANIMALS Caracteristics:  Vicious= peligroso.  Aggresive= agresivo.  Carnivorous= carnívoro.  Herbivorous= herbívoro.  omnivorous= omnívoro.  Fast= rápido.  Slow= lento.  Domesticated= domesticado.  Wild= salvaje.  Poisonous= venenoso.  Friendly= amistoso

6 UNIT: NUMBERS AND ANIMALS  Intelligent= inteligente.  Smart= inteligente.  Large= grande.  Small= chico.  Little= pequeño  Agile= ágil.  Tame= manso.

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