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Nicole Feliciano (Team Lead) John Figueira (Team Member) Noor Husain (Team Member) Kyle Grotjohn (Team member) Dr. Albright (Faculty Advisor) Jenifer Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "Nicole Feliciano (Team Lead) John Figueira (Team Member) Noor Husain (Team Member) Kyle Grotjohn (Team member) Dr. Albright (Faculty Advisor) Jenifer Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nicole Feliciano (Team Lead) John Figueira (Team Member) Noor Husain (Team Member) Kyle Grotjohn (Team member) Dr. Albright (Faculty Advisor) Jenifer Miller (Industry Advisor) Dr. Kennedy (Client) Dr. Nuxoll (Class Advisor)

2 Introduction ◦ Project overview Milestones ◦ Milestones Completed ◦ Upcoming Milestones Demonstration Issues/Concern Conclusion

3 Our project is to build a wind belt generator that will be used to charge a modern cell phone battery

4 Completed Design Document First draft completed 11/02/2012 Advisor approved draft completed 11/08/2012 Final version completed 11/26/2012 Completed making a coil by hand Created by Kyle 11/14/2012 Completed Team meeting with Peter Rachor Met with E-Scholar students 11/15/2012 Completed project support from Allen Hansen Had several meetings to discuss improvements to design Last meeting was 11/21/2012

5 Completed Final Budget Submitted on 11/16/2012 Completed Magnet/Oscillation Calculations and Flux Found on 11/16/2012 Completed Project Business Assessment Put together by E-scholars Kelly Riley and Jordan Mattson Received on 11/20/2012 Complete Coil Power Generation Preformed in Senior design lab on 11/26/2012

6 Connect Battery and Rectifier 12/07/2012 Testing Coil Generation and Rectifier 1/18/2012 Find Total Power Generated and Test LED 1/25/2012 January Program Review 1/25/2012

7 Table1. Milestones according to the Design Document

8 Video Demo of Manual Interaction with Magnets and Coil Y Y Corresponding Oscilloscope Readings M M Video of Frame Testing with Wind Tunnel 9Y 9Y

9 Trying to make coils with as much efficiency as possible Finding a way to secure the coils to the frame without losing power and encasing the coils in a material so that the magnets do not destroy the coils

10 Project Overview Milestones ◦ Milestones Completed ◦ Upcoming Milestones Demonstration Issues/Concern


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