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V 0 =g/f  /  x div.conv.div. Phase propagation Rossby Wave Physics (planetary  -effect)

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Presentation on theme: "V 0 =g/f  /  x div.conv.div. Phase propagation Rossby Wave Physics (planetary  -effect)"— Presentation transcript:

1 v 0 =g/f  /  x div.conv.div. Phase propagation Rossby Wave Physics (planetary  -effect)

2 v 0 =g/f  /  x div.conv.div. Phase propagation Rossby Wave Physics (topographic  -effect) shallow deep v 0 *h with h=h(y) and depth

3 phase speed group speed  0 ~ 0.1 f (sub-inertial)

4 Rossby Wave Dispersion Relation “witch’s hat” (Peter Rhines)  =  (k,l):

5 Long wave  Fast phase speed Short wave  Slow phase speed  max 2 =a 2 =gH/f westward group velocity eastward group velocity Long waves: Non-dispersive c p =c g =-  0  2

6 Mid-Latitude Rossby Waves from Satellite Altimeter from Chelton and Schlax (1996)

7 Equatorial Rossby Waves from Satellite Altimeter


9 Rossby Wave: Observations vs. Theory



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