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The EnviroInsite-EQuIS Nexus March 12, 2013 HydroAnalysis Presents:

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Presentation on theme: "The EnviroInsite-EQuIS Nexus March 12, 2013 HydroAnalysis Presents:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The EnviroInsite-EQuIS Nexus March 12, 2013 HydroAnalysis Presents:

2 What is EnviroInsite? What can I do With EnviroInsite? EQuIS ™ EnviroInsite Locxy “Understanding”

3 What is EnviroInsite? What can I do With EnviroInsite? 1.Mapping 2.Create Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model 3.Analyze Contaminant Fate and Transport 4.Communicate with Regulators and Public

4 What is EnviroInsite? 1. Mapping Draped image and 3d shapefile Facility Natural Features Sources Sampling Points Receptors CAD file over image with plotted wells We live in a 3d world!!!

5 What is EnviroInsite? 1. Mapping Shapefiles CAD WMS JPG/PNG TIF/BMP Where do maps come from? Bing Maps

6 What is EnviroInsite? 2. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model Boring Logs Strip Logs Create Section

7 What is EnviroInsite? 2. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model Boring Logs Strip Logs Create Section 3d Geologic Model

8 What is EnviroInsite? 2. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model On Section 3d Surface Contour Particle Tracking How about the “hydro” portion of the model

9 What is EnviroInsite? 2. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model Stiff Diagrams Georeferenced Stiff Diagrams Piper Diagrams Also, Durov Charts, Schoeller Diagram, Scatter Plots What about geochemistry?

10 What is EnviroInsite? 3. Contaminant Fate and Transport Contour Post Values Classed Post 3d Contours Single Analytes

11 What is EnviroInsite? 3. Contaminant Fate and Transport Data Tables (spider diagrams) Pie Charts Radial Diagrams Charts Multiple Analytes

12 What does EnviroInsite do? 1.Creates Understanding - conceptual model 2.Tells a Story - report quality graphics 3.Sits On Every Desktop

13 Why not use GIS?? EnviroInsite Training

14 GIS Workflow Receive Data and send to GIS operator Plot water levels Ask for TCE contours Receive first draft of TCE contours Beg for modified intervals Receive contours Ask for TCE on Section Oops, wrong section Receive new section!!! Client goes to CDM- Smith EnviroInsite Training 2 days 4 days ESRI conference Wait 2 weeks 1 week

15 EnviroInsite Workflow Load data into EI Plot Water Levels Contour TCE Draw Section Draw Data Tables Fence Diagrams EnviroInsite Training Monday Friday Take control of your own data!!!!

16 Where to Get More Information? 1.http://www.enviroinsite.com 2.EnviroInsite LinkedIn group 3.EnviroInsite Facebook page 4.EnviroInsite forum ( 5.Email me:

17 EQuIS Pro data export report Ongoing development – presented by Gordon Jeppson, EarthSoft EnviroInsite Training EQuIS Pro Data Export Report EnviroInsite

18 EnviroInsite Demonstration EnviroInsite Training

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