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Mexico Did you know Mexico City is the 2 nd largest city in the world? *Adapted from AP Comparative Government and Politics by Ethel Wood.

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1 Mexico Did you know Mexico City is the 2 nd largest city in the world? *Adapted from AP Comparative Government and Politics by Ethel Wood.


3 Introduction  Model LDC  “Mexican Miracle”  Zapatistas and Chiapas  Newly industrialized countries  2006 Election

4 Sovereignty, Authority and Power  Spanish arrival in early 16 th century  Centralized and authoritarian rule  Significant economic growth and decentralization reshaping political system.

5 Legitimacy  Revolution of 1910-1911  Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)  Historical Traditions:  Authoritarianism  Populism  Divisions within elite  Instability and legitimacy issues

6 Political Culture  The importance of religion  Patron-clientism  economic dependency Some important characteristics of the national identity are:

7 Geographical features  Some geographical features that have influenced the political development of Mexico are:  Mountains and deserts, varied climates  Natural resources  A long (2000-mile-long) border with the United States  106 million population  Urban population

8 Political and Economic Change  Historical influences  Independence in 1821  Colonialism  Independence/new nationhood  Porfiriato

9 Colonialism  From 1519 to 1821 Spain controlled the area that is now Mexico.  From 1519 to 1821 Spain controlled the area that is now Mexico.  Social status hierarchy, with Spanish born in Spain on top and the native Amerindians on the bottom.  Social status hierarchy, with Spanish born in Spain on top and the native Amerindians on the bottom.  Colonialism left several enduring influences:  cultural heterogeneity  cultural heterogeneity  Catholicism  economic dependency.

10 INDEPENDENCE: NEW COUNTRY (1810-1911)  Spain finally recognized Mexico's independence in 1821.  Spain finally recognized Mexico's independence in 1821.  Stability and order did not follow, with a total of thirty-six presidents serving between 1833 and 1855.  Important influences during this period were:  instability and legitimacy issues -  rise of the military.  rise of the military.  domination by the United States  liberal vs. conservative struggle

11 “EL PORFIRIATO" (1876-1911)  Porfirio Diaz - one of Juarez's generals - staged a military coup in 1876 and instituted himself as the President of Mexico with a promise that he would not serve more than one term of office.  Porfirio Diaz - one of Juarez's generals - staged a military coup in 1876 and instituted himself as the President of Mexico with a promise that he would not serve more than one term of office.   Ruled Mexico with an iron hand for 34 years.  Ruled Mexico with an iron hand for 34 years.  Influences of the "Porfiriato" are:  stability  authoritarianism  foreign investment and economic growth  growing gap between the rich and the poor  Diaz' regime ended with a coup from within the elite, sparking the Revolution of 1910.

12 Influences since 1910  The Revolution of 1910 marked the end of the "Porfiriato" and another round of instability and disorder.

13 THE CHAOS OF THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY  Revolution of 1910  Patron-client system  caudillos - political/military strongmen from different areas of the country - rose to challenge one another for power.  caudillos - political/military strongmen from different areas of the country - rose to challenge one another for power.  Two popular leaders - Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa - emerged to lead peasant armies and establish another dimension to the rebellion.  Two popular leaders - Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa - emerged to lead peasant armies and establish another dimension to the rebellion.

14 Which led to…  Constitution of 1917  Conflict with the Church  The Establishment of the PRI

15 THE CARDENAS UPHEAVAL - 1934 - 1940  “The Roosevelt of Mexico” brought change  Redistribution of land  Nationalization of industry Investments in public works  Encouragement of peasant and union organizations  Concentration of power in the presidency

16 THE EMERGENCE OF THE TECNICOS AND THE PENDULUM THEORY  Pendulum Theory  Tecnicos  Politicos  Mexican Miracle

17 Citizens, Society and State  Cleavages that have direct impact on the political system:  Urban v. rural  Social class  Mestizo v. Amerindian  North v. south

18 Political Participation  Protests: citizens included in political process:  Tlatelolco Plaza  Chiapas – Zapatista uprising  Oaxaca – 2006: fraudulent elections

19 Patron-Client System  Roots in warlordism and loyalty to the early 19th century caudillos.  Roots in warlordism and loyalty to the early 19th century caudillos.  Camarilla  Most positions within the President's cabinet are filled either by supporters or by heads of other camarillas that the President wants to appease.  Most positions within the President's cabinet are filled either by supporters or by heads of other camarillas that the President wants to appease.  Patron-Clientism:  compromise among contending elites  behind the scenes conflict resolution  distribution of political rewards  control in the hands of the government elite  2006: Controversy over the Presidential election

20 Voter Behavior  Factors that influence voter behavior today:  PRI controlled elections on local, state, and national levels.  Competing parties exist  Voter turnout high in 1994 - 78%  Over 60% last two presidential elections  Factors that influenced presidential election 2006  Region  Education  Income

21 Civil Society  PRI = Umbrella party over elites  Public protests are acceptable  PRI – state corporatism: controlled interest groups  What’s next?  Old state corporatism  Neocorporatism  pluralism

22 Political Institutions  Mexico is a country in economic and political transition  Underdeveloped economy  Political parties becoming more competitive  Political and economic reforms have altered the ways that government officials operate.

23 Developed? Developing? Or Less Developed?  GNP per capita  PPP  HDI  Economic dependency  Economic inequality  Somewhere in the middle

24 Transitional Democracy  Political accountability  Political competition  Political freedom  Political equality

25 Mexico’s Democratic Characteristics  Mexico - especially in recent years - has developed some democratic characteristics, but still has many vestiges of its authoritarian past.  Mexico - especially in recent years - has developed some democratic characteristics, but still has many vestiges of its authoritarian past.  Another often used standard for considering a country a democracy is the longevity of democratic practices.  Another often used standard for considering a country a democracy is the longevity of democratic practices.   If a nation shows consistent democratic practices for a period of 40 years or so (a somewhat arbitrary number), then it may be declared a stable democracy.  If a nation shows consistent democratic practices for a period of 40 years or so (a somewhat arbitrary number), then it may be declared a stable democracy.   Mexico does not fit this description.

26 Political parties  Three largest parties:  PRI  PAN  PRD

27 PRI - The Partido Revolucionario Institucional  party is characterized by:  a corporatist structure  patron-client system

28 PAN - The National Action Party  PAN's platform includes:  regional autonomy  less government intervention in the economy  clean and fair elections  good rapport with the Catholic Church  support for private and religious education  PAN is usually considered to be PRI's opposition to the right.

29 PRD - The Democratic Revolutionary Party  PRI's opposition on the left.  PRI's opposition on the left.  Their presidential candidate in 1988 and 1994 was Cauhtemoc Cardenas  PRD has been plagued by problems  PRD has been plagued by problems  trouble defining a left of center alternative to the market-oriented policies established by PRI.  trouble defining a left of center alternative to the market-oriented policies established by PRI.  Their leaders have also been divided on issues poor organization  Cardenas is not as charismatic as his famous father.

30 ELECTIONS  Directly elected president, Chamber of Deputy Representatives, and Senators, as well as a host of state and local officials.  Directly elected president, Chamber of Deputy Representatives, and Senators, as well as a host of state and local officials.  Typical voter profiles are:  PRI - small town or rural, less educated, older, poorer  PAN - from the north, middle-class professional or business, urban, better educated (at least high school, some college)  PRD - younger, politically active, from the central states, some education, small town or urban

31 ELECTION REFORMS  Campaign finance restrictions  International watch team  The election of 2000 broke all precedents when a joint PAN/PRD candidate - Vicente Fox - won the presidency, finally displacing the 71 year dominance of PRI.

32 Elections of 2006  Elections in Mexico today are :  Competitive primarily in urban areas.  Competitive primarily in urban areas.  Fraudulent  patron-client system encourages bribery and favor-swapping  Pressure for fairer elections  PRI lost in both houses  Calderon v. Obrador

33 Interest Groups  Business interests have networked with political leaders to protect the growth of commerce, finance, industry and agriculture.  Business interests have networked with political leaders to protect the growth of commerce, finance, industry and agriculture.  State corporatism v. neocorporatism  Labor has been similarly accommodated within the system  Powerful interest group = Educational Worker’s Union

34 Media  PRI monopolized media  In 1980’s, media became more independent.  Access to broader range of political opinions.

35 Government Institutions   Mexico is a federal republic with three branches:   executive branch   legislature   judiciary   Democratic in name, traditionally the country has been authoritarian and corporatist.   Theory v. Practice:   According to the Constitution of 1917, Mexican political institutions resemble those of the U.S.   Actually, Mexican system is very different from that of the United States.   Strong presidential system.

36 The Executive  Fox v. Labastida 2000  This election may mark the end of patron-clientism and the beginning of a true democratic state.  This election may mark the end of patron-clientism and the beginning of a true democratic state.  Policy making in Mexico had centered on the presidency.  Policy making in Mexico had centered on the presidency.  The president almost always was a member of the preceding president's cabinet.  The president almost always was a member of the preceding president's cabinet.  Calderon v. Obrador 2006

37  The President is the Head of the United Mexican States, which is the official name of the country.  Directly elected by the people  Fixed term of six years (sexenio). The President cannot be re-elected.  The President appoints a Cabinet of 17 Secretaries, plus a Comptroller General and the Attorney General  President Vicente Fox's administration: Special Coordinators have been appointed for Public Policies, the Citizens Alliance, the Strategic Planning and Regional Development and the National Security Council. Presidential Details

38 Vicente Fox  In 1991 Fox ran for governor  Ran again in 1995 and won after significant electoral reforms.  Ran again in 1995 and won after significant electoral reforms.  In 1997 Amigos de Fox formed - a Mexican-style PAC - to help Fox seek the presidency.  In 1997 Amigos de Fox formed - a Mexican-style PAC - to help Fox seek the presidency.  Fox won the hearts of the Mexican voters. His pragmatic approach steered the conservative party more toward the middle, and even captured PRD support, after PRD became disenchanted with Cardenas.  Fox won the hearts of the Mexican voters. His pragmatic approach steered the conservative party more toward the middle, and even captured PRD support, after PRD became disenchanted with Cardenas.  Goals:  Pluralism  Decentralization  Electoral Reform  Rule of law  Anti-Narcotics

39 Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador  PRD  Former Mayor of Mexico City  Election of 2006

40 President Felipe Calderon  President 2006-2012  PAN  Controversy

41 THE BUREAUCRACY  Almost 1 1/2 million people work in the federal bureaucracy, most of them in Mexico City.  Almost 1 1/2 million people work in the federal bureaucracy, most of them in Mexico City.  Officials are generally paid very little, but those at high and middle levels have a great deal of power.  Officials are generally paid very little, but those at high and middle levels have a great deal of power.  Para-statal sectors (quangos)  PEMEX

42 The Legislature  Bicameral  Chamber of Deputies  Senate.  All legislators are directly elected  PRI's grip on the legislature slipped earlier than it did on the presidency.  PRI's grip on the legislature slipped earlier than it did on the presidency.  A competitive multiparty system begins to emerge

43  Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.  Within Congress, senators and deputies debate and make new laws or change old ones.  Each state is represented by four senators, and the people are represented by deputies (similar to MPs).  Elections for the Chamber of Deputies (500 seats) are held every three years, and for the Senate (128 seats) every six years.

44 The Judiciary  Mexico does not yet have an independent judiciary, nor does it have a system of judicial review.  Mexico does not yet have an independent judiciary, nor does it have a system of judicial review.  Constitution of 1917 is still in effect, it is easily amended and does not have the same level of legitimacy as does the U.S. Constitution.  Federal and state courts  The Supreme Court is the highest federal court, and on paper it has judicial review, but in reality, it almost never overrules an important government action or policy.  The Supreme Court is the highest federal court, and on paper it has judicial review, but in reality, it almost never overrules an important government action or policy.  Historically, then, the courts have been controlled by the executive branch.  Change:  President Zedillo  Vicente Fox has vowed to work for an independent judiciary.

45 The Military  Military generals dominated Mexican politics throughout the 19th century and into the early 20th century.  Military generals dominated Mexican politics throughout the 19th century and into the early 20th century.  Depoliticizing the military  Military has been heavily involved in efforts to combat drug trafficking, and rumors abound about deals struck between military officials and drug barons.  Military has been heavily involved in efforts to combat drug trafficking, and rumors abound about deals struck between military officials and drug barons.

46 Policies and Issues The Economy  Standard of living has improved greatly since the 1940s.  Standard of living has improved greatly since the 1940s.  Rates of infant mortality, literacy, and life expectancy have steadily improved.  Rates of infant mortality, literacy, and life expectancy have steadily improved.  Provision of health and education services have expanded, despite severe cutbacks after the economic crisis of 1982.  Provision of health and education services have expanded, despite severe cutbacks after the economic crisis of 1982.  "THE MEXICAN MIRACLE"  Between 1940 and 1960 Mexico's economy grew as a whole by more than 6 percent a year.  Between 1940 and 1960 Mexico's economy grew as a whole by more than 6 percent a year.  Industrial production rose even faster, averaging nearly 9 percent for most of the 1960s.  Industrial production rose even faster, averaging nearly 9 percent for most of the 1960s.  All this growth occurred without much of the inflation that has plagued many other Latin American economies.

47 PROBLEMS  A growing gap between the rich and the poor was a major consequence of the rapid economic growth.  A growing gap between the rich and the poor was a major consequence of the rapid economic growth.  Rapid and unplanned urbanization

48 REFORM  One of the most dramatic economic turnarounds in modern history.  Sharp cuts in government spending  Debt reduction  Privatization  Problems persist today, particularly those of income inequality, urban planning, and pollution.

49 Policies and Issues Foreign Policy  Drug Trafficking  Immigration Policy  Maquiladora and NAFTA

50 ETHNIC REBELLIONS  Zapatistas  The EZLN (Zapatista National Liberation Front began in 1994 in the southern state of Chiapas in protest to the signing of the NAFTA treaty.  The EZLN (Zapatista National Liberation Front began in 1994 in the southern state of Chiapas in protest to the signing of the NAFTA treaty.   The Zapatista rebellion was based on ethnicity - the Amerindian disaffection for the mestizo, urban-based government.  The Zapatista rebellion was based on ethnicity - the Amerindian disaffection for the mestizo, urban-based government.  It has since spread to other areas and ethnicities, and it represents a major threat to Mexico's political stability.  It has since spread to other areas and ethnicities, and it represents a major threat to Mexico's political stability.

51 Democracy  Tradition of authoritarianism works against democratization.  Modernization of the economy, the political value of populism, and democratic revolutionary impulses work for it.  CFE (Federal Election Commission)


53 Terms to Know  Zedillo  Salinas  Cardenas  Colosio  Porfirio Diaz  Emiliano Zapata  Bracero  Cacique  Camarilla  Capitalinos  Caudillos  Chiapas  CTM  Asymmetrical interdependence  Pendulum theory CorporatismEjidosDemocardura Los Pinos NAFTAMunicipioPRONASOLPANPRDPRIPatron-clientPorfiriatoSexenioTecnicoToltecZapatistasCo-optation Mexico’s miracle Mexican Revolution

54 Discussion Questions  What are the lasting consequences of the Mexican Revolution on contemporary Mexican politics?  Explain the unique characteristics of the office of the President of Mexico.

55 Discussion Questions  Evaluate the term limitation rule of non- reelection for Mexico.  Why was the Chiapas insurgency important?  Explain the significance of Mexico’s efforts at election reform.

56 Discussion Questions  Discuss the control of media and its relevance to the election process.  What are the trade-offs between developing an export led economy and a self-sustaining, subsistence based agricultural economy?

57 Discussion Questions  Discuss the development and rules regarding the separation of church and state in Mexico. Why was there an anti- clerical movement and what role does the church now have in Mexican politics?

58 Discussion Questions  What did Porfirio Diaz mean by the statement: ‘Poor Mexico! So far from God and so close to the United States.’  Compare the nationalization of Mexico’s petroleum and its domestic consequences with that of Nigeria.

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