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Air Pollution Indicators. An indicator should... Be representive for environmental conditions; be simple and easy to interpret; shows trends over time;

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Presentation on theme: "Air Pollution Indicators. An indicator should... Be representive for environmental conditions; be simple and easy to interpret; shows trends over time;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Pollution Indicators

2 An indicator should... Be representive for environmental conditions; be simple and easy to interpret; shows trends over time; shows contributions from sectors or individual components; be consistently used within the DPSIR- chain; have a target value.

3 Assessment information D riving forces (economic sectors: transport, combustion, solvent use) P ressures (emissions: VOC & NOx) S tate (air quality: ozone exceedances) I mpacts (health, ecosystems, materials) R esponses (policies, measures)

4 Indicators will form building blocks of main EEA reports (Environmental Signals, TERM/EERM, Kiev,..) Core set vs sub-sets to support thematic reports

5 Indicators - current set Climate change –policy update –emissions CO2 & non-CO2 –temperature/precipitation change Stratospheric Ozone –ozone column –potential Cl –UV –production ODS, HCFC

6 AP Indicators - current set Focus on Pressure & State Urban Air Quality Acidification Pollutants from first DD + Ozone retrospective (Env Sign) Policy Update

7 Sources of AP indicators CORINAIR AIRBASE in addition: Auto Oil 2 ShAIR

8 AP Indicators - current set Emission indicators –information on trends (1980-present) –information on sector contributions –aggregated information on theme: ground-level ozone acidification and eutrophication pm10 exposure

9 Emissions of O3-precursors


11 Evaluation of NOx emissions

12 Environmental Policy


14 Pressure Problems ? PM10/PM2.5 -emission data Consensus on aggregation procedure Indicator for Urban Air Pollution? Missing years (now simple interpolation) Emissions of toxic pollutants (HM, POP)?

15 Air Pollution Indicators Air Quality –(urban) population exposure to ozone SO2 NO2 particulate (PM10) –exceedance of critical loads (EMEP) acid nitrogen input

16 Env Signals: UAQ SO2, particulate (TSP, BS, PM10), NO2, O3 observed data (AirBase, O3-dir) counting exceedance days not fully in line with DD short term limit values

17 Urban AQ: NO2

18 Urban AQ: Ozone


20 State problems ? Spatial coverage –missing regions –urban or/and rural harmonisation of MM stable network temporal: historic data most critical LV model vs measurement

21 Impact indicators Ecosystems: –exceedances of critical loads/levels Human health –??????????

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