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Getting Their Attention Carol Womack Santa Monica College February 2, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Their Attention Carol Womack Santa Monica College February 2, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Their Attention Carol Womack Santa Monica College February 2, 2007

2 Start the Dialog  Welcome…  Expectations  Deadlines 

3 Encourage 2-Way Communication  Include chat assignments  Post Announcements  Student chats are OK  Use audio

4 Keep Track  Ask them to send you an email  Ask them to verify email address  Let them know when an assignment is missing or late

5 Unlimited Resources  Point to the Library as often as necessary  Use the good WEB  Tell them about wikipedia

6 Lectures  Experiment constantly  Use Illustrations  Give them advice often  How to write a research paper  How to format a bibliography

7 Make No Assumptions  Are they listening?  Are they reading assigned material?  Are they understanding?  Did they buy the textbooks?

8 The Good Side  Online students will let you know when you made a mistake  O.S. will let you know when you haven’t graded their assignments  O.S. will let you know if they are having trouble with the technology

9 The Challenges  Online students feel anonymous  Students will try the easy way first  Students do not always understand WHY it’s plagiarism.  Accommodate learning styles  Accommodate disabilities (not a choice)

10 Share with Colleagues  Your Innovations  What Worked  Problems with the software  Teaching online can get lonely

11 Carol Womack   Staff   Faculty homepages

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