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Ernest Boyer’s Model of Scholarship Mary Corcoran PhD, OTR/L Professor, CRL Overview & Implications for Teaching and Learning* * Modified from presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Ernest Boyer’s Model of Scholarship Mary Corcoran PhD, OTR/L Professor, CRL Overview & Implications for Teaching and Learning* * Modified from presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ernest Boyer’s Model of Scholarship Mary Corcoran PhD, OTR/L Professor, CRL Overview & Implications for Teaching and Learning* * Modified from presentation by Dr Ken Hansen

2 Enlarging Scholarly Perspectives Boyer (1990) - a broader vision of scholarship required - promotes full intellectual life of the academy

3 Boyer’s Perspective  Boyer reward faculty in 4 areas of scholarship reward faculty in 4 areas of scholarship research, synthesis, practice, and teaching research, synthesis, practice, and teaching  SMHS revised APT criteria accordingly  More inclusive perspective of scholarship needed

4 Boyer’s Four Scholarship Types Scholarship of: 1. Discovery 2. Integration 3. Application 4. Teaching

5 The Scholarship of Discovery  Traditional view basic or applied research. basic or applied research.  Develop or test theory  Expands on well-established body of knowledge

6 Examples: Discovery Scholarship to develop or test theory, and empirically generate new knowledge Scholarly products:  Published or presented work  Funded projects  New infrastructure, products and systems

7 The Scholarship of Integration  The process of making connections within and across disciplines/perspectives/ bodies of knowledge.  Fitting one’s own research with that of others Forms larger intellectual pattern. Forms larger intellectual pattern.  Interprets and bring new insight to original research.

8 Examples: Integration Scholarship integrating knowledge use across disciplines/field Products  Comprehensive systematic review  Textbook for use by multiple disciplines  Collaboration on cross-disciplinary, transdisciplinary initiatives  Consensus panels

9 The Scholarship of Application  Information is first discovered…then applied.  Several potential forms, including: Empirically driven applications to practice Empirically driven applications to practice Modeling complex societal problems and solutions Modeling complex societal problems and solutions

10 Examples: Application Scholarship aiding society and professions to address problems Products:  White papers – consultant reports  Tested interdisciplinary interventions  Guidelines or best practices

11 The Scholarship of Teaching  Practices intended to help students comprehend and synthesize information.  Scholarly teaching means transmitting, transforming and extending knowledge.

12 The Scholarship of Teaching  Teachers must be intellectually engaged intellectually engaged well informed well informed steeped in the knowledge of their field steeped in the knowledge of their field  And related fields  Continuous scholarly process of synthesizing, planning, evaluating, and revising.

13 Examples: Teaching Scholarship to develop and test use of models/practices to achieve optimal learning Products:  Published classroom research – design or delivery  Tested instructional or assessment materials programs

14 Evaluating Scholarship If works of scholarship are worthy, they must be characterized by:  Pedagogically based  Internally valid - alignment  Externally valid – builds on existing research; reflects education  Rigorous methodology  Effectively disseminated  Significant - Results contribute to the field/future work

15 Implications for Teaching and Learning  Infrastructure (UCF – RITE) Mirror that for discovery Mirror that for discovery  Strategic direction  Resources and funding Access to data Access to data Focus on meaningful evaluation Focus on meaningful evaluation  Beyond course evaluations  Faculty development – Teaching scholarship specifically Teaching scholarship specifically  Equal to other types of scholarship – APT decisions

16 What Else? Thank you!

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