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By Daniel Guest. Ancient Greece was very fascinating. It included many different city states and cultures. Such as Sparta, the war like polis, and Athens,

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Presentation on theme: "By Daniel Guest. Ancient Greece was very fascinating. It included many different city states and cultures. Such as Sparta, the war like polis, and Athens,"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Daniel Guest

2 Ancient Greece was very fascinating. It included many different city states and cultures. Such as Sparta, the war like polis, and Athens, the more structural based polis. I went there to learn more about ancient Greece, and what I found out was outstanding.

3 Built on the Acropolis They used a gold and silver mix called electrum Market place was called Agora, here I ran in to Pericles, the ruler during the golden age Started using coins in 600 BC I was able to grab this one

4 Triangle piece on the top is called the pediment. The Parthenon was the most famous building in Greece. The Parthenon was dedicated to Athena I was able to snag a piece of Athena’s jewelry.

5 The Theater of Dionysus was where many plays took place. Cast was only 2-3 males. I got to keep one of the togas When there was a tragic play the humans acted with respect towards the gods

6 Proper education started in 600 BC Took 3-4 years to finish school Grammatistes taught language arts, Kitharists taught music, and Sophists were tutors Students were usually good listeners

7 Sculptures were life size Early 400 BC By the 5 th century they were the most realistic statues 2 most famous Zeus, Athena

8 I loved my trip to ancient Greece. I got to see so many places that helped my understanding so much more. If I had more time I would have gone to learn more about the woman and the pottery. If I had the chance I would go back in a heart beat. This was the greatest trip I have ever been on, ancient Greece was truly amazing.

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