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ESPON 2.3.2 GOVERNANCE OF TERRITORIAL AND URBAN POLICIES FROM EU TO LOCAL LEVEL Luxembourg, 18 May 2005 Joaquín Farinós Dasí University of Valencia.

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Presentation on theme: "ESPON 2.3.2 GOVERNANCE OF TERRITORIAL AND URBAN POLICIES FROM EU TO LOCAL LEVEL Luxembourg, 18 May 2005 Joaquín Farinós Dasí University of Valencia."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESPON 2.3.2 GOVERNANCE OF TERRITORIAL AND URBAN POLICIES FROM EU TO LOCAL LEVEL Luxembourg, 18 May 2005 Joaquín Farinós Dasí University of Valencia

2 Operational definition of governance and formulation of hypothesis

3 Types of indicators/criteria Context Policies Territorial features and dynamics Favourable territorial preconditions Institutional frameworks of territorial policies Processes To describe To evaluate To describe TGAs To evaluate Results

4 Looking for Data and Indicators * Space has to be seen as an encompassing category

5 Starting set of Indicators

6 The Challenge of Integrating Quantitative – Qualitative Approaches BENCHMARKING COMPARISON: Analyse potential impacts of Good Governance on Urban & Territorial Policies POLICY RECOMENDATIONS Available Data + Data collection SCALESSCALES

7 Matrix for Case Studies Proposal

8 Case Studies Proposal


10 National Overviews: First Results on Context


12 National Overviews: First Results on Policies

13 Concluding remarks Governance, as a new mode of thinking and acting, seems to be universally accepted, at least at the level of national governments (rev. ECSP) Least clear at which extent by all government levels and agencies and by civil society (Effects on Lisbon Strategy) Positive elements are: - long tradition of “working together” and citizens’ participation, - innovations in the field of partnership creation, - reorganization of spatial planning system and - introduction of new instruments and agencies There are conditions, albeit diffuse, pressing urgently in governance actions ◘ Structure of State seems to be less decisive than mature – or easy to recompose - systems of planning, specially spatial planning for sustainable spatial development ◘ European Union policies (particularly Structural Funds) and integration processes are recognized as the most important catalyst factor for adoption of governance approaches (relates to ESDP and future Regional Policy) Inexistence or serious limitations in quantitative data & indicators for territorial governance. Qualitative information and methods needed.

14 Next steps for 232 ESPON Project Development of Case Studies + Data Collection (WP4) (Second ½ May – September 2005) Analysis of Governance Trends: Indicators of Successful Governance and Models of Governance (WP5) (October 2004 – February 2005) 3 rd IR in December 2005

15 Thank you for your attention!!

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