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Psychological Disorders. History Prehistoric: Holes in skulls Ancient Greeks & Romans: bio factors – treatable Medieval: Superstition 1840’s Dorthea Dix.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychological Disorders. History Prehistoric: Holes in skulls Ancient Greeks & Romans: bio factors – treatable Medieval: Superstition 1840’s Dorthea Dix."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychological Disorders

2 History Prehistoric: Holes in skulls Ancient Greeks & Romans: bio factors – treatable Medieval: Superstition 1840’s Dorthea Dix – reforms 1960’s Deinstitutionalization

3 Criteria of Abnormal Behavior Maladaptive Behavior Deviance Personal Distress DSM – 5 lists disorders

4 Disorders Anxiety: Generalized, Panic, phobic Obsessive – Compulsive PTSD Dissociative: Amnesia, Fugue, DID Mood: Depression, Bipolar Depression – Cognitive Factors Schizophrenia

5 Disorders Somatic Symptoms Personality: Narcissistic, Antisocial

6 Explaining Psychological Disorders Medical Model: Abnormal behavior - disease Psychoanalytic: unconscious conflict Humanistic: self concept Biological: genetics Sociocultural: social ills

7 More Abnormal Rosenhan Study: influence of labels Insanity, Commitmment

8 Treatments Behavior: Systematic Desensitization Cognitive: Albert Ellis Rational Emotive Behavior REBT, Aaron Beck Cognitive Humanistic: Client Centered Individual / Group

9 People Aaron Beck Albert Ellis Sigmund Freud Mary Cover – Jones Carl Rogers B.F. Skinner Joseph Wolpe

10 Social Psychology: Attribution Theory Explains how people determine the cause of what they observe Personal Attribution: Disposition Situational Attribution

11 Attributions Internal Cause: I am responsible External Cause: Someone else, or environment responsible Unstable Cause: temporary situation Stable Cause: permanent situation

12 Attributions Internal and Unstable: Effort, Mood, Fatigue Internal and Stable: Ability & Intelligence External and Unstable: Luck, Chance, Opportunity * External and Stable: Task Difficulty

13 Bias in Attribution Fundamental Attribution Error: observer is biased in favor of internal attributions toward others behavior. The bias: overestimate someone else’s behavior is a result of personal qualities rather than situational factors

14 Bias in Attribution Defensive Attribution: blame victims for their misfortune Self Serving Bias: Take more credit for good outcomes than for bad

15 Culture Attributions Individualism Collectivism

16 Groups Deindividuation: ( Zimbardo’s Stanford Experiment ) Group Think Group Polarization Conformity: Solomon Asch Obedience: Stanley Milgram Study

17 Groups Social Loafing In group / out of group

18 Attitude & Message Central Route: The Facts Peripheral Route: person presenting: attraction, the famous One Sided – appeals to the uninformed Two Sided – appeals to the knoweledgable

19 Attitude Leon Festinger: Cognitive Dissonance: Attitude not in line with one’s behavior Richard La Pierre’s travel through the West Coast with an Asian couple

20 Attitude: Persuasion Source Message Receiver

21 Presence of Others Individual Bystander Effect Social Facilitation

22 More Social Prejudice Gender, Race, Ethnicity Self Fulfilling Prophecy Aggression Attraction Altruism

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