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Roman Aqueducts. The Roman Colosseum The Colosseum Interior.

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Presentation on theme: "Roman Aqueducts. The Roman Colosseum The Colosseum Interior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roman Aqueducts




5 The Roman Colosseum

6 The Colosseum Interior

7 Circus Maximus

8 PUNIC WARS ROMECARTHAGE ROMECARTHAGE Good ArmyStrong Navy (Phoenician heritage) Finds Carth. ShipHimilcar Barca (first war) Builds NavyHannibal (second war) Corvus Takes Sicily as the prize Scippio Africanus

9 Punic Wars Punic Wars are a series of 3 violent wars between the growing Roman Civilization and its bitter, ancient Rival….The Carthaginians Punic Wars are a series of 3 violent wars between the growing Roman Civilization and its bitter, ancient Rival….The Carthaginians A “turf “ war for the valuable Mediterranean Sea

10 Carthaginian Empire

11 Hannibal’s Route

12 PompeyPompey Civil War & Dictators Julius Caesar

13 Crossing the Rubicon, 49 BC The Die is Cast!

14 Beware the Ides of March! 44 BCE


16 Octavian Augustus: Rome’s First Emperor

17 Pax Romana : 27 BCE – 180 CE

18 The Greatest Extent of the Roman Empire – 14 CE

19 The Rise of Christianity

20 The Spread of Christianity

21 Diocletian Splits the Empire in Two: 294 CE

22 Constantine: 312 – 337 Christianity Christianity

23 Constantinople: “The 2 nd Rome” (Founded in 330)

24 Barbarian Invasions: 4c-5c

25 Attila the Hun: “The Scourge of God”

26 Byzantium: The Eastern Roman Empire

27 The Byzantine Empire During the Reign of Justinian

28 The Byzantine Emperor Justinian

29 The Collapse of an Empire 1.Barbarian Invaders (Huns, Goths, Visigoths and Vandals) 1.Barbarian Invaders (Huns, Goths, Visigoths and Vandals) 2. Unfavorable Balance of Trade 2. Unfavorable Balance of Trade 3. Large Disgruntled Class 3. Large Disgruntled Class 4. Money 4. Money 5. Early values 5. Early values 6. Corruption of Gov’t 6. Corruption of Gov’t 7. Friction between Rome and its Provinces 7. Friction between Rome and its Provinces 8. Disease 8. Disease 9. No clear succession to the throne 9. No clear succession to the throne

30 The Legacy of Rome  Republic Government  Roman Law  Latin Language  Roman Catholic Church  City Planning  Roman Engineering Aqueducts Aqueducts Sewage systems Sewage systems Cement Cement Arch Arch

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