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Youth Youth and Urbanization A strategy for youth in UN-Habitat.

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Youth and Urbanization A strategy for youth in UN-Habitat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Youth and Urbanization A strategy for youth in UN-Habitat

2 Who are youth? United Nations: 15 and 24 National definitions Cultural definitions UN-Habitat definition Global Context: 1.8 billion people between 15-24 years of age Vast majority live in developing countries Youth Source: UNFPA 2015

3 How is this relevant to UN-Habitat? Majority of world population now residing in cities 60% of all urban dwellers expected to be under the age of 18 by 2030 Marginalization of youth based on age? – Employment and entrepreneurship – Participation (planning and governance) – Access to public space – Adequate housing – Young women Youth “Rapid urbanization and a demographic youth bulge provide opportunities for socio-economic development” - If we manage to get it right..

4 Youth Youth-Led Development and a Human Rights Based Approach to Youth The Five Principles of Youth Led Development 1.Youth define their own development goals and objectives; 2.Youth have a social and physical space to participate in development and to be regularly consulted; 3.Adult mentorship and peer-to-peer mentorship are encouraged; 4.Youth act as role models to help other youth engage in development; and 5.Youth are integrated into all local and national development programs and frameworks. Recognizing youth as right holders Operationalizing through youth-led development UN-Habitat programming on youth

5 UN-Habitat’s Response Youth The Three Legged Approach 1. Urban Planning and Design - Directs urbanization 2. Legislation - Guides implementation of plans 3. Urban Finance - Pays for planned and legislated urbanization

6 Entry points for youth? Planning -Participatory planning designed according to youth-led development principles Legislation -National Urban Policies in sync with youth priorities -Local level legislation responsive to youth needs Finance -Integrating youth into the formal local economy Youth

7 Main recommendations so far: Strengthen youth engagement and meaningful participation in local governance, legislation and urban planning towards more integrated, resilient and sustainable cities Better economic opportunities for youth in the urban formal sector in support of inclusive growth and local public finance Youth Can and should these be our key messages at global, regional, national and sub- national level? Are we capturing YOUR priorities in the urban context?

8 Way Forward We want to hear from you! What are the global priorities and discussions we need to take into consideration? How can we operationalize the strategy at the local level where you are? Youth

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