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Reservations, Boarding Schools, Railroads, and Environmental Damage John Gast, American Progress.

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Presentation on theme: "Reservations, Boarding Schools, Railroads, and Environmental Damage John Gast, American Progress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reservations, Boarding Schools, Railroads, and Environmental Damage John Gast, American Progress

2 Economic Development, 1860-1890

3 Promontory Point, Utah, May 10, 1869

4 Southern Railroads in 1859

5 Southern Railroads in 1899

6 Transcontinental Railroad May 10 th, 1869 Union Pacific & Central Pacific Pacific Railroad Act, 1862 Irish, Chinese, Mexican, Native, Eastern European workers


8 Benefits National & Cultural Exchange 1872 = 57,300 miles 1882 = 114,400 miles 1900 = 200,000 miles Western recruitment

9 Rabbit Drive, San Joaquin Valley, CA 1890s

10 Detroit, 1880

11 Fate of the Buffalo 1872 – 1874 = 4 million buffalo killed Mid-1880s = 5,000 buffalo survived Reservations Kansas Pacific Railroad Advertisement, 1870


13 “Indian Crania” Studies Early to mid- 1800s 1850s = American Phrenological Journal had 50,000 subscribers What could they reveal?

14 Reservation Policy Indian Removal Act, 1830 370 treaties 1850s = 8 reservations Today = 286 reservations 511 federally-recognized tribes 950,000 Natives + 370,000 non-Natives on reservations


16 Legal Background Dawes Act of 1887 Bureau of Indian Affairs 1934 = Indian Re- organization Act “Quasi-sovereign domestic nations”

17 Boarding Schools Carlisle Indian School, Pennsylvania, 1885

18 Why Boarding Schools? 19 th century “Civilization” Global connections The Indian Wars Children as “hostages for good behavior of their parents”

19 Types of Schools Off-reservation boarding schools vs. on- reservation days schools Christian missionaries, Office of Indian Affairs & federal government 1870 = Turning point in funding

20 183251 schools1,865 students 183652 schools1,381 students 184252 schools2,873 students 1861147 schools? 1871286 schools6,061 students 1876344 schools11, 328 students 1879356 schools13,343 students

21 Characteristics Differences in punishment 5 – 18 years old & 3-year school term Children “taught to despise every custom of their forefathers, including religion, language, songs, dress, ideas, and method of living”

22 Lessons Haircuts Trouser & dresses Soap, water, combs English names Sitting in chairs Forks & spoons Prayers Flag raising Household & farm chores Tailoring Shoemaking Carpentry Baking Washing clothes Making broomsticks

23 Students at Albuquerque Indian School Laundry Classes at Carlisle Indian School, Pennsylvania

24 Albuquerque Indian School

25 Recent Activism Over 200 museums 1978 = Native American Religious Freedom Act 1990 = Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Act

26 Rocky Mountain School of Painting Albert Bierstadt, Merced River – Yosemite, 1866

27 Creation of National Parks The Yosemite Act, 1864 Yellowstone, 1872

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