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Feminist Theory. Feminism Feminism is theory that men and women should be equal politically, economically and socially. This is the core of all feminism.

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Presentation on theme: "Feminist Theory. Feminism Feminism is theory that men and women should be equal politically, economically and socially. This is the core of all feminism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feminist Theory

2 Feminism Feminism is theory that men and women should be equal politically, economically and socially. This is the core of all feminism theories.

3 Gender Part of that culture-determination Such a position emphasizes “ the impossibility of separating the imagination from a socially, sexually, and historically positioned self”.

4 Gender The female Aesthetic arose—expressing a unique female consciousness and a feminine tradition in literature—as it celebrated an intuitive female approach in the interpretation of women’s texts. Virginia Woolf and Dorothy Richardson

5 Gender theory Social construction upon biological differences. Proposes to explore “ideological inscription and the literary effects of the sex/gender system. Open up the literary theory stage and bring in questions of masculinity into feminist theory

6 Gender theory Taking gender as a fundamental analytic category brings feminist criticism from the margin to the center.

7 Types of feminism Pop-feminism: degrades men in all manners and glorifies women Radical feminism: is the breeding ground for many of the ideas arising from feminism. This group views the oppression of women as the most fundamental form of oppression, one that cuts across the boundaries of race, culture and economic class.

8 Types of feminism Separatists: advocate separation from men. The core idea is that “separating” (by various means) from men enables women to see themselves in a different context. Many feminists, whether or not separatist, think this is a necessary “first step”, for personal growth.

9 Types of feminism Cultural feminism: There are fundamental personality differences between men and women, and that women’s differences are special and should be celebrated. This theory of feminism supports the notion that there are biological differences between men and women. They want to overcome sexism by celebrating women’s special qualities, women’s ways and experiences.

10 Types of feminism Ecofeminism: is a theory that rests on the basic principal that patriarchal philosophies are harmful to women, children, and other living things.

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