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March 20 Make-up Exam 5 Chapter 5 Test Corrections – –A) Questions – –B) Write out CORRECT answer (find in book) Chapter 6 Reading Guide (when finished)

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Presentation on theme: "March 20 Make-up Exam 5 Chapter 5 Test Corrections – –A) Questions – –B) Write out CORRECT answer (find in book) Chapter 6 Reading Guide (when finished)"— Presentation transcript:

1 March 20 Make-up Exam 5 Chapter 5 Test Corrections – –A) Questions – –B) Write out CORRECT answer (find in book) Chapter 6 Reading Guide (when finished) Chapter 6 Worksheet (Quiz Grade) Homework: Bring 1 Current Event Article relating to chapter 6! Exam 6=Thursday, March 27 – –Review Day is Tuesday March 25.


3 Jesus Christ The four Gospels are our primary source of information about Jesus. “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” ~ St. Jerome

4 Using My Gifts for Others ServiceTeachingEncouragingGenerosityLeadershipCompassion

5 Introducing the Synoptic Gospels Synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke Synoptikos: “seen together” They have much in common and differ significantly from the Gospel of John.

6 The Synoptic Gospels Traditionally, Matthew was believed to be the first Gospel written. However, later biblical scholarship led most to believe that Mark was written first. Matthew and Luke “improve” difficult passages in Mark.

7 What Is Meant by “Gospel”  Gospel: “Good News”  The very life of Jesus Christ is the Good News of God’s love and Salvation for all.  Preaching about Jesus  Four written versions of the Good News; each evangelist proclaims in their own unique way the “Good News”

8 Overview of the Gospel of Mark Date: ~67-73 AD Date: ~67-73 AD Audience: Non-Jewish, Gentile Christians who were undergoing persecution Audience: Non-Jewish, Gentile Christians who were undergoing persecution Theme: following Jesus often means that a Christian must suffer like Jesus did Theme: following Jesus often means that a Christian must suffer like Jesus did

9 The Son of God Became Man “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ (the Son of God)” (Mk 1:1) Mark stresses Jesus’ humanity throughout his Gospel. Mark teaches that Jesus is the Son of God who assumed human nature.

10 Titles for Jesus in Mark’s Gospel Christ—Messiah “anointed one” Son of Man Suffering Servant Jesus was reluctant to reveal his identity because his concept of the “anointed one” was radically different from that of his people and disciples. Even suffering Christians can celebrate the Good News because Jesus brings eternal life.

11 Overview of the Gospel of Matthew Date: sometime in the 80’s Date: sometime in the 80’s Author: Jewish scribe Author: Jewish scribe Audience: Jewish Christians Audience: Jewish Christians Theme: Jesus Christ— Emmanuel (“God is with us”)—is the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament Theme: Jesus Christ— Emmanuel (“God is with us”)—is the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament

12 Jesus as the New Moses Matthew presents Jesus as the New Moses His sermons reveal Jesus as a great teacher Matthew strives to show that Jesus Christ fulfills all of God’s promises to the Chosen People and through them to all people.

13 Overview of the Gospel of Luke Date: ~ 75-90 AD Date: ~ 75-90 AD Author: a Gentile Christian with some attraction to Judaism; also wrote Acts of the Apostles; highly polished writing style Author: a Gentile Christian with some attraction to Judaism; also wrote Acts of the Apostles; highly polished writing style Audience: largely Gentile Christians Audience: largely Gentile Christians Theme: the city of Jerusalem is an important symbol; the drama of Salvation unfolds there Theme: the city of Jerusalem is an important symbol; the drama of Salvation unfolds there

14 Jesus’ Message in Luke Jesus Offers a Message of Joy Heart of Luke includes parables that highlight God’s forgiveness Heart of Luke includes parables that highlight God’s forgiveness “I tell you, there will be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents” “I tell you, there will be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents” Jesus’ compassion is a divine sign of healing love Jesus’ compassion is a divine sign of healing love Jesus Is for Everyone Jesus sought out people who were considered “outcasts” Jesus sought out people who were considered “outcasts” Jesus is everyone’s compassionate Savior Jesus is everyone’s compassionate Savior We should allow Jesus to live in us so we can love everyone in imitation of our Lord We should allow Jesus to live in us so we can love everyone in imitation of our Lord

15 Call of the Twelve Jesus selected the Twelve Apostles (from the word “send”) to assist him in his work. Jesus chose the Apostles. Jesus chose the Apostles. Jesus taught on his own authority. Jesus taught on his own authority.

16 The Call of the Twelve PeterAndrew James, Zebedee’s son John, Zebedee’s son PhilipBartholomew Matthew, or Levi Thomas James, son of Alphaeus Simon the Zealot Judas, son of James Judas Iscariot

17 Jesus’ Public Life Baptism by John the Baptist By his submission to John’s baptism, Jesus again displayed his humility. By his submission to John’s baptism, Jesus again displayed his humility. All Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity are Jesus in the scene. All Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity are Jesus in the scene. Temptations in the Desert Satan tempted Jesus three times during his forty-day retreat in the desert. Satan tempted Jesus three times during his forty-day retreat in the desert. Foreshadowed his victory over sin and Satan Foreshadowed his victory over sin and Satan True love often requires sacrifice. True love often requires sacrifice.

18 Jesus Proclaims the Gospel “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe the gospel.”

19 Jesus Proclaims the Gospel Jesus’ Miracles Mighty works, wonders, and signs revealed that God’s Kingdom was present in his very person. Mighty works, wonders, and signs revealed that God’s Kingdom was present in his very person. Purpose was to show Jesus’ power over sin Purpose was to show Jesus’ power over sin Paschal Mystery Passion, Death, Resurrection, Ascension Passion, Death, Resurrection, Ascension Paschal Mystery rescued humanity from sin and death. Paschal Mystery rescued humanity from sin and death. Jesus is Risen! Jesus is Risen!

20 Transfiguration The mystery from Christ’s life in which God’s glory shone through and transformed Jesus’ physical appearance while he was in the company of the Old Testament prophets Moses and Elijah Peter, James, and John witnessed this event.

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