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JENNIFER WEATHERLY ENGLISH 230 MAY 4, 2009.  Dante remembers a time in Troy when many people turned on each other and acted like animals.  Dante sees.

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Presentation on theme: "JENNIFER WEATHERLY ENGLISH 230 MAY 4, 2009.  Dante remembers a time in Troy when many people turned on each other and acted like animals.  Dante sees."— Presentation transcript:


2  Dante remembers a time in Troy when many people turned on each other and acted like animals.  Dante sees much worse in the second group of hell where falsifiers of other persons sink their teeth in to each other and act like beasts.  Dante speaks with Gianni Schicchi, a Florentine who impersonated Buoso Donati.  He also sees Myrrha, a woman who fell in love with her father and disguised herself as another woman in order to gratify her lust.  The sinners in the third zone are the falsifiers of coins.

3  Dante speaks with Master Adam who counterfeited Florentine money and now suffers from thirst.  Adam points out people from the Romena family in the fourth group which are the falsifiers of words, or liars.  The wife of Potiphar is here for falsely accusing Joseph of trying to seduce her.  Sinon, a Greek from Troy is also here.  Sinon and Adam fight with each other about their punishments for the sins they committed.  Virgil yells at Dante for listening to such a ridiculous argument.

4  Gianni Shicchi- A Florentine who impersonated Buoso Donati  Myrrha- A woman who fell in love with her father and disguised herself as another woman to gratify he lust.  Master Adam- Counterfeited Florentine money.  The Romena Family- Guido and Alessandro who are liars.  Potiphar’s wife- Falsely accused Joseph of trying to seduce her.  Sinon- A lying Greek from Troy.

5 I was intent on listening to them when this was what my master said: "If you insist on looking more, I'll quarrel with you!"

6  In the eighth circle and the tenth pouch of hell the falsifiers suffer from horrible plagues and diseases.  Master Adam talks about how the rivulets fall into the Arno down from the green hills of the casentino, and how they constantly torment him.  The moat surrounds them.


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