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Prewriting Brainstorming motivation Writing 1st Draft Revising/Responding Peer edit Teacher conference (clarification, organization) Editing Teacher edit.

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Presentation on theme: "Prewriting Brainstorming motivation Writing 1st Draft Revising/Responding Peer edit Teacher conference (clarification, organization) Editing Teacher edit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prewriting Brainstorming motivation Writing 1st Draft Revising/Responding Peer edit Teacher conference (clarification, organization) Editing Teacher edit (grammar) Writing 2 nd Draft Publishing Bulletin board Website COMMUNICATION

2 Rubrics Final grade of 2 nd draft

3 PointsAccuracy 1 Errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and/or vocabulary are so frequent that reader must often rely on own interpretation. 2 Errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and/or vocabulary are fairly frequent; occasional re-reading necessary for full comprehension. 3 Occasional lapses in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and/or vocabulary, which do not, however, interfere with communication Cohesion 1 Individual ideas may be clear, but very difficult to deduce connection between them. 2 Some lack of organization; rereading required for clarification of ideas. 3 Material well organized; links could occasionally be clearer or better connected, but communication not impaired. Genre and Objective 1 Student does not use the appropriate text genre; student could not carry out the writing objective effectively. 2 Student either uses the appropriate text genre, or carries out the writing objective effectively. 3 Student uses the appropriate text genre; student carries out the writing objective effectively. Text length 0Student did not comply with the text length that was required. 1Student complied with the text length that was required

4 Categories 9-10pts. A 8B8B 7C7C 6D6D Topic/content (theme, relevant questions that should be answered in regards to the theme, original sentences that aren’t repeated from class or the book) Stayed on topic and answered all of the relevant questions Had a good amount of original sentences, it was equal to, or more than, the required number of words Stayed on topic, but did not answer all of the questions, had some original sentences, it was less than the required number of words Part of the essay was off topic and didn’t answer some of the questions, there were very few original sentences, it was 25% less than the required number of words The essay was off topic, did not answer most of the questions, no original sentences, it was half or less than the required number of words Grammar (verb tenses, subject-very agreement, pronouns, articles, possessive adjectives) 1-3 verb tense, agreement, article or pronoun mistakes 4-8 verb tense, agreement, article or pronoun mistakes 9-15 verb tense, agreement, article or pronoun mistakes 15 or more tense, agreement, article or pronoun mistakes Punctuation/spelling (periods, capital letters, commas) 1-2 punctuation or spelling mistakes 3-5 punctuation and spelling mistakes 6-10 punctuation and spelling mistakes 11-20 punctuation or spelling mistakes

5 Assignment At least 10 sentences Topic: My favorite hobby When do you do it? Where do you do it? How?

6 My favorite hobby is playing drums. I love it! I spend a lot of my free time playing drums. I play them every afternoon. I play the drums in my basement. I play very loude. My grandma bouht me my drums. I learned to play drums when I was 9 years old. I played in my school’s band.

7 My hobby favorite is play video games, I like it play them. I play video games every day, I play video games in my house. At nite play most. My mom is mad. Do you want to play with me?

8 My hobby favorita is listen music. I listen muzic every day. Justin Beiber I no like. Why is so populer? His hair like my dad. That is mi paragraph.

9 Someone besides the teacher reading the students work

10 Publishing Put papers around room Make a book of students’ stories Author’s chair Read around Publish on a website Send a letter Class newspaper or newsletter

11 Types of writing Narrative Personal Narrative(nonfiction) Short Story(fiction) ion) Descriptive Describing an experience(flikr) The five senses Expository Newspaper writing Personal Ads Biography How to…. Persuasive Letter to the editor Arguing one side of a topic

12 Types of Expository Writing Newspaper & Magazine Articles Historical Accounts Non-Fiction Narratives Journal Articles Studies Biographies Text Books Essays Notes Reports Term Papers Pamphlets Editorials Travelogues Diaries Brochures Flyers Use and Care Manuals Policy and Procedure Manuals "How To" Books Book Reports Web Pages Blogs Ads Formal Speeches Abstracts Memoirs




16 Websites Newspaper Generator for a newspaper article for a personal ad generator.html generator.html Diary Entry Oh Life! The future you Facebook Biography week-creating-a-blank-facebook-template/ week-creating-a-blank-facebook-template/




20 Now it’s your turn. Use the following questions as a guide to interview your partner. Then write a personal ad for them. Don’t forget to give the ad a title. 1. What three adjectives would you use to describe your physical appearance? 2. What three adjectives would you use to describe your personality? 3. What are your hobbies and interests? 4. What physical characteristics are you looking for in an ideal mate? 5. What five personality traits are most important to you in an ideal mate? 6. (Create one question of your own.)



23 Hey Lisa, how is your class?

24 Future workshops/class help You can suggest future workshop topics as you get into the writing(stumbling blocks, etc.) You can ask that I go in to your class to do a specific lesson as a demonstration To observe you Work on a project Possible ideas for workshops with writing: Dialogue writing Paragraph Writing Creative writing assignments while teaching literature(reading)

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