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Review Session Week 2 Chapter 6: Learning AP Psychology.

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1 Review Session Week 2 Chapter 6: Learning AP Psychology

2 Conditioned Learning 1. Unconditioned stimulus 2. Conditioned stimulus 3. Unconditioned response 4. Conditioned response 5. Trial 6. Acquisition 7. 3 types of classical conditioning 8. Extinction 9. Spontaneous recovery 10. Stimulus generalization 11. Discrimination 12. Higher order conditioning 13. Taste Aversions

3 Operant Conditioning 1. Law of effect 2. Positive reinforcement 3. Negative reinforcement 4. Skinner box 5. Shaping 6. Extinction 7. Discrimination 8. Delayed reinforcement 9. Primary reinforcement 10. Secondary reinforcement 11. Ratio schedules 12. Interval schedules 13. Continuous reinforcement 14. Intermittent reinforcement 15. Punishment

4 Q1. A group of ranchers attempts to discourage coyotes from attacking their sheep by placing a substance on the wool of the sheep that makes coyotes violently ill if they eat it. Very quickly, the coyotes avoid the sheep entirely. In this scenario, what are the UCS, CS, and CR, respectively? (A) The substance, the sheep’s wool, aversion to the sheep (B) The sheep’s wool, the substance, aversion to sheep (C) Aversion to sheep, the substance, the sheep’s wool (D) The coyotes, the sheep’s wool, aversion to sheep (E) The substance, the sheep’s wool, the coyotes

5 Q2. The same ranchers discover that now not only will the coyotes not attack the treated sheep but also they will not attack nearby sheep. This is an example of: (A) Extinction (B) Discrimination (C) Generalization (D) Spontaneous recovery (E) Chaining

6 Q3. Mrs. Jackson, an English teacher, gives pop quizzes to her students every marking period. This is an example of: (A) Variable interval schedule of reinforcement (B) Variable ratio schedule of reinforcement (C) Fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement (D) Fixed interval schedule of reinforcement (E) Interval ratio schedule of reinforcement

7 Q4. In John Watson’s “Little Albert” experiment, what was the UCS? (A) The white rat (B) The little boy (C) Anything white and furry (D) The loud noise (E) Fear

8 Q5. Which of the following is true of classical conditioning? (A) UCS produces UCR (B) CR produces the CS (C) UCR produces the CS (D) CS produces the UCS (E) UCR produces the UCS

9 Q6. Dylan’s mother buys him a sailor’s cap before they go on a family fishing trip. On the boat, Dylan gets nauseated and vomits. The next day he gets nauseated just from looking at the sailor’s cap. The sailor’s cap has become: (A) The unconditioned stimulus (B) The conditioned stimulus (C) The conditioned response (D) The unconditioned response (E) The reconditioned stimulus

10 Q7. Before Dylan became nauseated, he was able to go fishing with his family, even catching several fi sh. Fishing is an example of what schedule of reinforcement? (A) Fixed ratio (B) Fixed interval (C) Unfixed interval (D) Variable ratio (E) Variable interval

11 Q8. which of the following best reflects negative reinforcement? (A) Teresa is scolded when she runs through the house yelling (B) Lina is not allowed to watch television until after she has finished her homework (C) Greg changes his math class so he doesn’t have to see his old friend (D) Aditya is praised for having the best essay in the class (E) Alex takes the wrong medicine and gets violently ill afterwards

12 Q9. Jamel got very sick after easting some mushrooms on a pizza at his friend’s house. He didn’t know that he had a stomach virus at the time, blamed his illness on the mushrooms, and refused to eat them again. Which of the following is the unconditioned stimulus for his taste aversion to mushrooms? (A) Pizza (B) Stomach virus (C) Mushrooms (D) Headache (E) Aversion to mushrooms

13 Q10. Latent learning is best described by which of the following? (A) Innate responses of an organism preventing new learning and associations (B) Unconscious meaning that is attributed to new response patterns (C) Response patterns that become extinguished gradually over time (D) Delayed responses that occur when new stimuli are paired with familiar ones (E) Learning that occurs in the absence of rewards

14 Answers 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. E

15 QW #1 A. Define the following psychological concepts ◦ Negative reinforcement ◦ Discrimination B. Use one specific example for the concepts above in part A to explain how the concept might relate to either the development of OR continuation of a smoking habit

16 QW #2 A. Time is an important variable in many psychological concepts. Describe a specific example that clearly demonstrates an understanding of each of the following concepts and how it relates to or is affected by time. Use a different example for each concept. ◦ Presentation of the conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (UCS) in classical conditioning ◦ Spontaneous recovery

17 QW #3 A. Ellie, a new student at Skinner High School, is determined to make friends. When she attends the first psychology club meeting she finds herself in the room with twenty strangers who seem to know each other well. She plans to attend a few more meetings before deciding whether she will join. How do the following terms below relate to her decision? ◦ Negative Reinforcement ◦ Positive Punishment ◦ Conditioned Response

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