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SPΔCE BΔLLS Cecilia Eliopoulos and Peter Bertone.

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Presentation on theme: "SPΔCE BΔLLS Cecilia Eliopoulos and Peter Bertone."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPΔCE BΔLLS Cecilia Eliopoulos and Peter Bertone

2 BUSINESS DESCRIPTION We design, manufacture and sell children's toys All SPΔCE BΔLLS products are space related children's toys (For ages 6 and up) We have two main buildings for our company. Manufacturing building will be stationed in California because during the winter weather wont be an issue. (Roughly 30-50 employees). Our second building, Located in New York City, will be mainly used for promoting product and selling product (15-25 employees). Located in New York for obvious advertising and promoting reasons. CEO Peter and Cecilia will be stationed here to run the business and to promote the product.

3 MISSION STΔTEMENT Our goal is to create fun and entertaining toys that promote the beauty of space to children and people of all ages

4 PROFILE FOR INVESTORS We are a private company We provide equity to our share holders in the form of private stock By putting our main stores in highly populated areas, we plan to make more money than we spend and have enough left over to cover our loans To keep spending low, we will keep labor costs low, buy material in large quantities, and keeping factories close to major distribution cities

5 PRODUCTION We Will produce all of our inventory and product in California where our manufacturing building is located. The process of creating the materials and such will be handled by machines People will assemble the products in different stations all running with conveyor belts There will one leader to each station that will oversee and manage the workers Cecilia and I will be in New York where we will manage our company and promote our product

6 DISTRIBUTION Products will be firstly retailed in stores like Toys-R-Us, Walmart, FAO Schwartz (Based in New York as well) and Target. Our product will be sold globally, but we will be mainly located in the U.S Our reach is for children ages 5 and up and for adults as well.

7 MΔRKETING First off we will mainly invest in Television advertisements for all kinds of channels but especially for Nickelodeon, Disney, and Cartoon network. ( All children's channels). Our goal is to have adds on almost all channels and get on efor major televised occasions such as Super Bowl, World Cup and such. Also we will correspond with McDonalds to have our product added as a toy for Happy Meals for a short while

8 CONNECTION TO GLOBΔL ECONOMY Our plan is to first reach out to costumers in Canada and Mexico Then we will expand our sales further to countries outside of North America We will have local employees who will make an income and pay taxes There will be sales tax on SPΔCE BΔLLS products

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