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Resource Management Planning Air Quality Brock LeBaron Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality 801-536-4006.

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Presentation on theme: "Resource Management Planning Air Quality Brock LeBaron Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality 801-536-4006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resource Management Planning Air Quality Brock LeBaron Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality 801-536-4006

2 Overview Authority Organization Function New ozone standard

3 Federal Regulatory Structure EPA sets national air quality standards EPA delegates programs to states but retains authority to review and act independently State implementation reflects state policies and priorities while meeting federal requirements

4 Delegated Air Program since 1973 Regulate 6 Criteria Air Pollutants 189 Hazardous Air Pollutants Authority Under the Clean Air Act and Utah Law The mission of the Department of Environmental Quality is to safeguard human health and quality of life by protecting and enhancing the environment.

5 Implementation of the Air Program in Utah Clean Air Act (CAA)Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 40 Utah Air Conservation Act (UACA) Utah Air Quality Board (UAQB) State Implementation Plan (SIP)Utah Air Quality Rules (UAQR) Permitting Major New/Modified Sources Minor New/Modified Sources Operating Permits Compliance Source Compliance Complaints Air Toxics, Lead & Asbestos Planning Attainment Strategies Mobile Sources Technical Analysis Monitoring Utah Legislature Three Branches of the Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ)UDAQ Governor $ DEQ

6 State Primacy Authority to implement federal programs is established by the legislature through the Utah Air Conservation Act and Administrative Rules Adequate resources to implement delegated programs include federal grants, general fund, state fees, and trained personnel How the programs are implemented reflect state policies and priorities while meeting federal requirements * Air Quality Laws and Rules:


8 Division of Air Quality Staff – 97 FTEs 85% Science and Engineering Degrees Funding 2014 $12.9 M

9 National Ambient Air Quality Standards 200620082010Revised2012

10 Air Quality Monitoring

11 Public Notification Public Notification of Episodes and Health Impacts Air Pollution Alert and Action Days Public Health Advisories Forecast Air Quality Conditions Allow Public to Plan Activities

12 Non-attainment and Maintenance Areas

13 Air Pollution a function of: Emissions Meteorology and terrain Atmospheric chemistry

14 Sources of Air Pollution Emissions Mobile (on-road vehicles) Area (residential, consumer and commercial, and non-road vehicles) Point Sources (smoke stack industries) Natural Sources (biogenics/dust/ fires) 14

15 Air Quality Planning Policy Emissions Chemistry/ Meteorology/ Topography Population Exposure/ Impairment Available Controls 15 Transport Growth

16 Federal Measures Industry Controls

17 Images: Data: Utah Div. of Air Quality Jan.3, 2008 9:30am Red Air Day (PM2.5 =44) Jan.24, 2008 9:30am Bad Red Air Day (PM2.5 =64) Jan.4, 2008 9:30am Green Air Day (PM2.5 =3)

18 * Days with monitored values above the level of the current National Ambient Air Quality Standards combined for PM2.5 and ozone Number of Days Above the Current Federal Standards (Salt Lake, Cache, and Utah County areas)

19 New Ozone Standard Timeline ( lowered from 75 to 70 ppb) New ozone standard proposedDec 1, 2014 New ozone standard finalOct 1, 2015 Non-attainment areas proposedOct 1, 2016 Non-attainment areas finalOct 1, 2017 SIP due (assuming moderate)Oct 1, 2020 Attainment of the standardOct 1, 2023 * SIP due date assumes a “moderate” 3-yr design value * Final Design Value likely based on the years 2014, 2015, 2016

20 Three - Year Average of the 4 th High Value

21 Air Quality Permitting Two categories of permits in Utah 1. Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) - federal Applies to large sources > 250 tpy Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Impact analysis (modeling) Must meet the NAAQS 2. Minor New Source Review (NSR) – Utah specific All other non-PSD or non-major NAA sources Majority of our permitting in Utah Required to meet NAAQS and BACT July 2, 2015

22 Permit Conditions Identifies pollution control equipment Imposes limitations (as appropriate) on: hours of operation throughput fuel used etc. Compliance mechanism - measureable July 2, 2015

23 Permits One source may have several No expiration date Public review process July 2, 2015

24 Air Quality Compliance Source inspections target: Permitted sources - Large PSD sources – annually - Minor NSR sources – every 3 years Complaints – as needed

25 2014 Metrics Inspections 1,931 Open burn permits issued6,131 Audits/Reviews5,287 Complaints Received472 Compliance Advisories 321 Warning Letters 110 Settlements62 Penalties Assessed$2,510,829 SEPs Credited$1,161,268


27 Summary Utah generally has good air quality Short-term problems with PM and ozone Meteorology and terrain are strong drivers State has a delegated air program Air quality has improved over time New lower ozone standard expected to impact Wasatch Front and Uinta Basin

28 Questions? DAQ web site http://www.airquality.utah.gov Contact: Brock LeBaron 801-536-4006

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