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Lab Safety Ms. K. Cox 2006. A symbol like this means Danger, electrical current. Risk of being electrocuted.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab Safety Ms. K. Cox 2006. A symbol like this means Danger, electrical current. Risk of being electrocuted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab Safety Ms. K. Cox 2006

2 A symbol like this means Danger, electrical current. Risk of being electrocuted.

3 A safety symbol that looks like a flame means… Material is Flammable

4 A symbol that looks like a razor blade means what? Sharp Instruments.

5 Does this sound correct? Always heat material in a closed container or vessel. You should identify unknown white posers in the lab by tasting them. Its ok to mix chemicals before being told the instructions by the teacher. Always use more chemicals than the directions say to.

6 Does this sound correct? It is safest to sit when working with a volatile chemical in the lab. You can heat a test tube by holding it in your hand and pointing it at yourself. It is safe to eat and drink in the lab. It is not important to report accidents in the lab.

7 A symbol that looks like an eye means Wear safety goggles or glasses

8 A symbol that looks like an apron means Wear an apron or some type of clothing protection.

9 A symbol that looks like a skull and cross bones means The item is poisonous or hazardous to the health.

10 A symbol that looks like a plant means Handle plants with care. A symbol that looks like a paw print means…. Handle animals with care.

11 A symbol that shows glassware means… Handle glassware with care.

12 The rest will be orally discussed. (from paper Ms. Cox)

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