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Digital Agenda for Europe Speed Compliance and eCall Andy Rooke 20 th September 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Agenda for Europe Speed Compliance and eCall Andy Rooke 20 th September 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Agenda for Europe Speed Compliance and eCall Andy Rooke 20 th September 2012

2 Speed! Contrary to conventional thought speed in itself is not dangerous – Inappropriate speed is! Speed limits should be realistic Robust enforcement required as an encouragement to natural compliance It should not be a revenue generating exercise! Compliance (Walter Arnold 1896 first prosecution 13kmph! fine 1 shilling =.13€) 2

3 3 Speed and technology

4 eCall and HeERO Started 2011 HeERO 1 finish 2014 HeERO 2 Bulgaria now a significant partner Aim - preparation of MS to handle eCall for –New type approved vehicles from 2015 –Prepare mobile networks and Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) to receive eCall –Working to the published standards 4

5 HeERO additional areas of interest HeERO will prepare the way for eCall by establishing the foundations Additional areas: –Aftermarket devices –Powered 2 wheels –eCall trucks All areas of challenge but the potential benefit is huge 5

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7 7 eCall Timeline 2002 - 2006 Emerge GST Rescue ITS Action Plan Impact Assessment Type Approval MNO’s and PSAP’s eCall Deployment 2015

8 eCall regulatory measures 8 Regulated under amendment to type approval 2007/46/EC adoption by 2014 Recommendation to MS for MNO implementation C(2011)6269 Final 8 th September 2011 Part of the ITS Directive, common specification by end of 2012

9 To Sum up Speed detection technology an effective tool in road safety eCall will make influence road safety - aftermarket will accelerate the deployment of eCall Bulgaria is taking major strides by utilising technology for road safety 9

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11 Contact details Andy Rooke HeERO Project Coordinator –ERTICO ITS-Europe –Email: a.rooke@mail.ertico.comEmail: –Tel: +32 (0) 24000780 –Twitter andyrooke721

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