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Dear WA Diary Assignment: Social Studies Class work Assignment Name: ____________________________________ Directions: For the next two weeks we will look.

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Presentation on theme: "Dear WA Diary Assignment: Social Studies Class work Assignment Name: ____________________________________ Directions: For the next two weeks we will look."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dear WA Diary Assignment: Social Studies Class work Assignment Name: ____________________________________ Directions: For the next two weeks we will look at Chapter 8 and together in class build a perspective journal that reflects the events that occurred during WA State Reform, War, and Inventions time period. If you are absent it is important to check schoolwires and ask peers and your teacher what you missed. Below is what is required for each entry and the journal. Use this page as a guide for your assignment. Required Pieces of the Journal: 1.RAFTS: Think of your class assignment from the acronym RAFTS: R = Role, A = Audience, F = Format, T = Topic, and S = Strong Word Choice. 2.Entry: You will have a total of 5 entries in the journal. The entries will be started in class and require: a.Date b.Format/Mode – Each entry is in a specific mode. Follow the daily guidelines for that mode of writing c.Visual image- a specific picture that goes with the entry in color. d.Vocabulary Term– Each entry must have a vocabulary term that matches with that days topic. 3. Biography Fact Card – This will be one of the first pieces of the journal. Each student will receive a picture of what their person they play looks like. Fill in the Biography Card with information that describes your person. THIS MUST BE REFLECTIVE OF THE TIME PERIOD WE ARE DISCUSSING (1890’S – EARLY 1900’S) 4. Cover of the Diary- Create at least 4 visuals on the cover that depict your person you are playing. Write your “pretend” name and real name on the cover. 5. Mechanics – The writing in your diary should follow the correct mode for the day and be in neat handwriting. You may use pencil for the entries, but pictures should be in color and utilize CUPS = Capitals/Usage/Punctuation/Spelling. Antique Style: If you would like to burn the edges of your diary or tea stain the pages to look antique you may do this. I can identify multiple perspectives in WA State History during the early years

2 Reference Tools to Assist you with this project: Vocabulary Terms: Remember each of the 5 entries must have a vocabulary word within the text (correctly used) 1.Progressive Movement 130 2.Initiative 131 3.Referendum 131 4.Suffrage 131 5.Wobblies 132 6.Jury 131 7.Capitalism 132 8.Prohibition 130 9.Amendment 130 10.Isolation 140 5 Journal Topics: Below are the topics that are covered in the 5 journal entries. Again if absent check swift and the document section to see what you are missing. 1.Progressive Movement – Response to Prohibition in the Newspaper 2.Referendum/Initiative – New Law Proposed 3.Suffrage Movement - Response to Primary Source 4.New Inventions – Response/Picture of New Invention in Home 5.World War 1 – Letter to Woodrow Wilson Sample of what an entry would look like: Date: Picture in color _______________ _______________ _______________ ______________ Remember: We will define these words in class together. Additional Paper: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

3 Biography- Authors point of view Name: __________________________Life span: ___________ Settled in: _____________________________________ Family Members: ____________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Occupation/Job: _____________________________________ Nationality: _____________________________________ Accomplishments: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________

4 Date:_____________________________ _____________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

5 Date:_____________________________ _____________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

6 Date:_____________________________ _____________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

7 Date:_____________________________ _____________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

8 Date:_____________________________ _____________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

9 Date:_____________________________ _____________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

10 Date:_____________________________ _____________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

11 Date:_____________________________ _____________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

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