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Imperialist Foreign Policy US History: Spiconardi.

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1 Imperialist Foreign Policy US History: Spiconardi

2 Roosevelt Corollary Reinterpretation and addendum to Monroe Doctrine Reinterpretation and addendum to Monroe Doctrine The Monroe Doctrine required the US to step in & act as an “international police power.”The Monroe Doctrine required the US to step in & act as an “international police power.” Economic problems in Venezuela and the Dominican Republican led to the possibility of European interference in those nations Economic problems in Venezuela and the Dominican Republican led to the possibility of European interference in those nations

3 The “Big Stick” Policy “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” Use would use diplomacy at first to protect interests in Latin America, but…Use would use diplomacy at first to protect interests in Latin America, but… Would use military force when necessary Would use military force when necessary

4 Panama Canal In 1901 the United States negotiated the rights to build a canal in the Caribbean In 1901 the United States negotiated the rights to build a canal in the Caribbean Had to allow all nations to use itHad to allow all nations to use it U.S. decides to construct canal in Panama, which was part of Colombia U.S. decides to construct canal in Panama, which was part of Colombia Colombia did not agree to the financial terms offered by the United States Colombia did not agree to the financial terms offered by the United States

5 Panama Canal Roosevelt strongly encourages Panamanians to rebel and declare their independence Roosevelt strongly encourages Panamanians to rebel and declare their independence Under TR’s foreign policy, use brokers a treaty, which Panama to construct a canal and lease the land for 99 years Under TR’s foreign policy, use brokers a treaty, which Panama to construct a canal and lease the land for 99 years

6 Panama Canal 250 million cubic yards of soil removed 250 million cubic yards of soil removed Ten years to construct Ten years to construct Workers died of yellow fever and malaria Workers died of yellow fever and malaria




10 Dollar Diplomacy President Taft’s foreign policy President Taft’s foreign policy United States would invest in foreign economies to ensure stabilityUnited States would invest in foreign economies to ensure stability Increases American involvement in foreign affairs Increases American involvement in foreign affairs Assume debts and pay them off to avoid interference from European nations Assume debts and pay them off to avoid interference from European nations

11 The Good Neighbor Policy Presidents Hoover and F.D. Roosevelt try to improve relations with Latin America Presidents Hoover and F.D. Roosevelt try to improve relations with Latin America Less intervention & more cooperationLess intervention & more cooperation Economic influence continued Economic influence continued

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