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50+ Sports & Fitness Program Mission Our goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle and help maintain independence in the later years of life... [and] to offer.

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Presentation on theme: "50+ Sports & Fitness Program Mission Our goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle and help maintain independence in the later years of life... [and] to offer."— Presentation transcript:

1 50+ Sports & Fitness Program Mission Our goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle and help maintain independence in the later years of life... [and] to offer a broad range of physical education and recreational activities designed to enhance the qualify of life of older adults. Upcoming Holidays & Events Jan. 1 New Year’s Day – CENTER CLOSED Jan. 4 – Start of Fitness Challenge Jan. 8 – Last day to register for Fitness Challenge Jan. 18 MLK Jr Day – CENTER CLOSED Jan. 24 – National Peanut Butter Day Jan. 28 – National Chocolate Cake Day 50+ Sports & Fitness Program NORTH DOMINGO BACA FITNESS CENTER FITNESS CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday - Friday 8am-9pm Saturday: 9am-3pm CLOSED DAILY FOR CLEANING: Fitness Center Monday -Friday 1:30p-2:00p Aerobic Room 2:00- 2:30p LOCATION & CONTACT INFORMATION: 7521 Carmel Ave. NE Albuquerque, NM 87113 (2 nd Floor) (505) 764-6496 Unofficial website: Website: catalog Website : Hiking Information: www.ASCHG.ORG NDB 50+ Sports & Fitness Staff Dominic Saavedra, Health & Wellness Specialist Sabrina Rael, Recreation Assistant Erika Aguilar, Recreation Assistant Monique Schuh, Office Assistant  FREE EQUIPMENT ORIENTATION FOR All MEMBERS: Available by appointment. See fitness staff.  BASIC FREE-WEIGHT CLASS: Learn how to workout safely with free weights. Class will be held on Wed. January 20, @ 2:00p. Sign up in advance at the Fitness Center Desk. Note: class is limited to 6 participants.  GROUP EXERCISE CLASSES, DATES, TIMES & DESCRIPTIONS: See additional pages for details about all of our NDB Fitness Center classes.  FREE BODY COMPOSITION TESTING in Fitness Center: 4 th Wednesday of each month, January 27, 8:00a-1:30p & 2:00p – 7:00p.  BLOOD PRESSURE MACHINE AVAILABLE DAILY: (located upstairs in the Fitness Center).  FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS also available with registered nurse: Mondays, 9am-12pm (downstairs, next to elevators)  UPCOMING FITNESS ACTIVITIES, SPORTING EVENTS, TRIPS, ETC. : Upcoming hikes, sporting events and other exciting trips & activities can be found in the 50+Sports & Fitness & Activities Catalog 1 On-Going Monthly Events January 2016 Starts January 4, 2016 8 Week Challenge (ends March 4, 2016) Initial Weigh-In/Body Comps Workout/Nutrition Logs Nutrition Workshops Workout Guides Ask Sports & Fitness Staff for more details

2 Sat.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri. Aerobics (Sabrina) 8:15-9:15a $.50 donation Jazzercise 8:00-9:00a $5.00/class Aerobics (Sabrina) 8:15-9:15a $.50 donation Jazzercise 8:00-9:00a $5.00/class Aerobics (Sabrina) 8:15-9:15a $.50 donation Jazzercise 9:00-10:00a $5.00/class Gentle Exercise (Sabrina) 9:30-10:30a $.50 donation Flex & Tone (Sabrina) 9:15-10:15a $.50 donation Gentle Exercise (Sabrina) 9:30-10:30a $.50 donation Flex & Tone (Sabrina) 9:15-10:15a $.50 donation Gentle Exercise (Sabrina) 9:30-10:30a $.50 donation Dahn Mu Do (Korean Tai Chi) (Lynn) 10:30-11:45a $5/class Jazzerc ise 10:45-11:45a $5.00/class Tai Chi (Theresa) 10:30-11:30a $5/class TVE QI-GONG WELLNESS 10:30-11:30a For Info: Dimitri 214-724-6263 Yoga (Beg./Int.) (Mindy) 10:30-11:45a $5/class Jazzercise 11:45-12:45 $5.00/class Zumba Gold (Marta) 12:30-1:30 FREE PUSH (Jon) 12:00-1:00 $5 donation based Hula Dancing 1:00-2:00 (Reserved) PUSH (Jon) 12:00-1:00 $5 donation based Jazzercise 12:15-1:15 $5.00/class Closed 2:00-2:30p Closed 1:45-2:00pClosed 2:00-2:30p Cardio Blast (Erika) 3:45-4:45p $.50 donation/class New Mexico Folk Dance 2:00-3:00 (Reserved) Cardio Blast (Erika) 3:45-4:45p $.50 donation Vinyasa Flow Yoga (Mixed Levels) (Misa) $5/class 5:45-7:00p Body Works + Abs (Erika) 3:45-4:45p $.50 donation Belly Dance Foundations 5:00- 6:00 FREE Mat Pilates (Erika) 6:00-7:00p $.50 donation Gentle Yoga (Pam) $5/ class 5:00-6:00p Flow Yoga (Keisha) 6:00-7:00p $5/class Intermediate Belly Dance 6:00-7:00 FREE TVE ANIMAL KUNG FU 7:15-8:30p For info: Dimitri 214-724-6263 Aikido (Charles) 7:15-8:30p $4/class Aikido (Charles) 6:30-7:45p $4/class Aikido (Charles) 7:15-8:30p $4/class 2 North Domingo Baca Sports & Fitness Center Class Schedule (updated 12/24/2015)

3 North Domingo Baca Sports & Fitness Center Classes (located on the 2 nd floor in the west side aerobic room) Cardio & More Classes  Aerobics: Routine designed to strengthen the cardiovascular system. For beginners to advanced exercisers, everyone works at their own pace. Burn calories and get a great workout.  Gentle Exercise: This is a fun exercise class, performed primarily in a chair. The focus is on resistance training to build strength. Equipment such as small hand balls, weights and bands are used to make exercises interesting and challenging.  Push: A thletic Circuit training utilizing kettle bells, jump ropes, speed latter, and other equipment, in conjunction with calisthenics, plyometrics, and isometric movements.  Cardio Blast : Full hour of Cardio Cross-Training to lively music. Includes Warm up, Calisthenics, Plyometrics, Core Work and Stretches. Modifications for beginners and advanced members. Have fun while getting strong and cardio-fit! Strength & Flexibility Classes  Body Works Plus Abs: A full body workout includes warm up, core work and stretches. Using light weights or elastic bands, high repetitions, with low impact rhythmic movements and modifications. This class is designed to sculpt lean muscle.  Flex & Tone : This class will work to elongate and strengthen your muscles to achieve increased flexibility, improve posture and develop a strong core. Start with a warm-up and will progress to weights, resistance bands, and mats for the conditioning portion of the class. Finish off with a soothing and relaxing stretch. Tai Chi & Martial Arts Type Classes  Aikido: A non-aggressive style of martial arts working on the principle of “do not fight force with force.” Redirect the attacker’s energy and use it to your favor.  Dahn Mu Do (Korean Tai Chi): Integrated mind-body training method that combines deep stretching exercises, meditative breathing techniques and energy awareness training. It is easy and simple enough for anyone to learn, yet challenging for even the most advanced practitioner.  Tai Chi: Tai Chi is a Martial Art originally invented as a moving meditation. It is great for those with joint problems & arthritis, and improving balance & peace of mind. Tai Chi puts minimal stress on muscles & joints, making it safe for all ages & fitness levels.  TVE Animal Kung Fu: Engages all of your body, increasing your speed, strenght, flexibility, & endurance.  TVE Qi-Gong Wellness: Healing exercise using Qi-Gong techniques & movements that engage all parts of your body to increase energy, balance, strength, and flexibility. Yoga & Pilates Classes  Yoga - Beginning-Intermediate: Specializing in adult and senior yoga. Improve your strength, flexibility and balance and enhance your overall health and well-being.  Mat Pilates: Exercises are performed on a mat. Focus is on abdominals, obliques, back and full body stretches. All movements are done fluidly, while focusing on inhalation and exhalation. Class begins with a warm up and a standing cool down. All levels welcome!  Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Mixed level yoga with an emphasis on stretching & breathing.  Flow Yoga: Flowing Vinyasa-based class threads together the mind, body, and spirit; leaving practitioners feeling strengthened, lengthened, and restored. This mixed-level class will provide beginners with a strong foundation and help more advanced students fine-tune their practice. Gentle Yoga: Build strength, immunity and exibiliy through breath/movement synchronicity. Modifications will be offered for those less experienced, with optional adjustments for everyone! Other Classes  Zumba Gold: Dance moves at your pace will get your heart pumping & a smile on your face! Zumba can be done in a chair too! Choose your level! Low impact or add a hop / jump to your step!  Jazzercise: A full hour of fat-burning, muscle-sculpting strength training. A high intensity workout that mixes dance-based cardio with strength training. Transform your body, boost your mood and ignite your energy! This class will transform you! 3

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