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Robert W. Christopherson Charlie Thomsen The Hydrosphere.

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Presentation on theme: "Robert W. Christopherson Charlie Thomsen The Hydrosphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robert W. Christopherson Charlie Thomsen The Hydrosphere


3 Water and Atmospheric Moisture Water on Earth Unique Properties of Water Humidity Atmospheric Stability Clouds and Fog

4 Land and Water Hemispheres Figure 7.2

5 Ocean and Freshwater Distribution Figure 7.3


7 Unique Properties of Water Heat properties Phase change Sublimation Latent heat Vaporization Condensation Heat properties of water in nature Latent heat of sublimation

8 Three States of Water Figure 7.5

9 Uniqueness of Ice Forms Figure 7.6

10 Phase Changes Figure 7.7

11 Water Vapor in the Atmosphere Figure 7.10

12 Water Vapor in the Atmosphere Figure 7.10

13 Cloud Types and Identification Figure 7.22

14 Hydrologic Cycle Model Figure 9.1

15 Surface Water Figure 9.2

16 The Soil-Water-Balance Equation Sample Water Budgets Water Budget and Water Resources Soil-Water-Budget Concept

17 The Soil-Water Balance Equation Figure 9.3

18 Groundwater Profile and Movement Aquifers, Wells, and Springs Overuse of Groundwater Pollution of Groundwater Groundwater Resources

19 Groundwater Characteristics Figure 9.17

20 Groundwater Characteristics Figure 9.17

21 Groundwater Potential Figure 9.16

22 High Plains Aquifer Figures FS 9.2.1a, 9.2.3

23 Water Supply in the United States Instream, Nonconsumptive, and Consumptive Uses Desalination Future Considerations Our Water Supply


25 U.S. Water Budget Figure 9.20

26 Water Withdrawal by Sector Figure 9.21

27 Water Desalination Figure 9.22

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