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Introduction to the 3 types of Middle School Investigations

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1 Introduction to the 3 types of Middle School Investigations
Unit 1: Explain Introduction to the 3 types of Middle School Investigations Scientific Investigation and Reasoning TEKS: 6.2 The student uses scientific inquiry methods during laboratory and field investigations. The student is expected to: Student Expectation: 6.2A) plan and implement comparative and descriptive investigations by making observations, asking well-defined questions, and using appropriate equipment and technology Student Expectation: 6.2B) design and implement experimental investigations by making observations, asking well-defined questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and using appropriate equipment and technology Definitions used in this presentation are from the “Lab_and_Field_Investigations_FAQ_August_2010.pdf” , published by TEA and retrieved on May 9th, 2012 EPISD Standard Based Curriculum

2 Create a 3 Tab Matchbook foldable
3 Types of Investigations EPISD Standard Based Curriculum

3 Label the Tabs 3 Types of Investigations Descriptive Investigation
Comparative Investigation Experimental Investigation 3 Types of Investigations EPISD MS Science Standard Based Curriculum

4 Descriptive Investigation
Involve collecting qualitative and/or quantitative data to draw conclusions about a natural or man-made system (e.g., rock formation, animal behavior, cloud, bicycle, electrical circuit). Includes a question, but no hypothesis. Observations are recorded, but no comparisons are made and no variables are manipulated. EPISD MS Science Standard Based Curriculum

5 Comparative Investigation
Involves collecting data on different organisms/objects/ features/events, or collecting data under different conditions (e.g., time of year, air temperature, location) to make a comparison. The hypothesis identifies one independent (manipulated) variable and one dependent (responding) variable. A fair test can be designed to measure variables so that the relationship between them is determined. EPISD MS Science Standard Based Curriculum

6 Experimental Investigation
Involve designing a fair test, similar to a comparative investigation, but a control is identified. The variables are measured in an effort to gather evidence to support or not support a relationship. This is often called a controlled experiment. EPISD MS Science Standard Based Curriculum

7 What type of Investigation is it?
Identify the type of investigation described and justify your choice. EPISD MS Science Standard Based Curriculum

8 _____________ Investigation
You count how many prickly pear cacti are growing in a field and record the number of pads on each plant. EPISD MS Science Standard Based Curriculum

9 _____________ Investigation
You take two boxes of breakfast cereal, extract the iron from both boxes and look at the differences in iron content. EPISD MS Science Standard Based Curriculum

10 _____________ Investigation
Using the same model of piston, you test 4 different weights of oil to see which one will allow the piston to last the longest at 60 strokes a minute. EPISD MS Science Standard Based Curriculum

11 _____________ Investigation
A new star is observed in the Andromeda Galaxy. Observations and data are collected on this new star. EPISD MS Science Standard Based Curriculum

12 _____________ Investigation
Park rangers count the number of rattlesnakes observed along a specific trail at different times during the year. They use this information to let campers know when it is safer to go off the path. EPISD MS Science Standard Based Curriculum

13 _____________ Investigation
You are testing how the diameter of a liquid splatter changes as you raise the height from which it is dropped. Students will go to their lab stations to conduct the experimental investigation. EPISD MS Science Standard Based Curriculum

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