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How many cookies can you collect? 10 15 5 5 5 5 25 5 5 10 25 15.

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2 How many cookies can you collect?

3 10 15 5 5 5 5 25 5 5 10 25 15

4 This game has been made by Catherine Slight and Lin Pearson, of, and is copyrighted by them. Visit their site is where you will find more free downloadable games and resources for children’s ministry. We ask that you do not copy or redistribute this game without including this slide with the attributions. Presentation by Catherine Slight and Lin Pearson – Many thanks to Photoshop Style a ( for the free Photoshop style in the Instructions for Christmas Cookie Count Two teams play alternately. After answering a review question correctly (and being awarded points) the first team chooses a cookie. It is fun to have them describe the cookie, rather than simply point to it. This encourages their powers of expression The PowerPoint operator then clicks once on the selected cookie. A Bonus Score will then be revealed and should be added to the score so far. The next team will win their chance to play by answering a review question. They then choose their cookie and the revealed score is added to their total. The game continues until all the cookies have gone, or the time allotted has finished. The winning team is the one with the highest score.

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