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Digital Media Technology Week 6: Introduction to XSLT Peter Verhaar.

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1 Digital Media Technology Week 6: Introduction to XSLT Peter Verhaar

2 Logical structure

3 Though his chief focus was the eighteenth century – before the convergence of linguistic and national boundaries had consolidated –Robert Darnton’s remarks in What Is the History of Books? are pertinent for any period : [B]ooks... do not respect limits either linguistic or national. They have often been written by authors who belonged to an international republic of letters, composed by printers who did not work in their native tongue, sold by booksellers who operated across national boundaries, and read in one language by readers who spoke another.... The wider perspective afforded by a renewed concern with charting international networks of trading in books and ideas would undoubtedly have much to offer all historians of the book Information on semantic categories and on the logical structure is implicit

4 Though his chief focus was the eighteenth century – before the convergence of linguistic and national boundaries had consolidated – Robert Darnton ’s remarks in What Is the History of Books? are pertinent for any period : [B]ooks... do not respect limits either linguistic or national. They have often been written by authors who belonged to an international republic of letters, composed by printers who did not work in their native tongue, sold by booksellers who operated across national boundaries, and read in one language by readers who spoke another.... The wider perspective afforded by a renewed concern with charting international networks of trading in books and ideas would undoubtedly have much to off er all historians of the book

5 Using encoding as a filtering mechanism

6 Stylesheet

7 □ E.g. Steven J. DeRose et al., “What is Text, Really?” □ On analogue medium: form and contents are inseparable □ On digital medium: fluidity of form □ Immaterial nature of digital information □ Decrease in the importance of form as a more general development on digital media? Mp3-files, e-Books Separation of form and content

8 ePistolarium

9 Medium-neutrality TEI HTML PDF MS Word Stylesheet ePUB e.g. Single source publishing / XML Pooling

10 □ eXtensible Stylesheet Language for Transformations □ XSLT stylesheet contains a ‘blueprint’ for the file to be created XSLT

11 XML Source XSLT Stylesheet XML Result

12 □ Filtering □ Sorting □ Textual analyses: calculations □ Adding text Advantages

13 Tree diagram of an XSLT stylesheet

14 <xsl:template match=“collection” >

15 □ Include a template that points to the root element of the XML source. Getting started Letter from De Erven F. Bohn to W. Blackwood and sons, January 22nd, 1873 …. … XML XSLT

16 Example: XML source Letter from De Erven F. Bohn to W. Blackwood and sons, January 22nd, 1873 Haarlem 22 January 1873 Dear Sirs! We beg to apply to you the kind request for sending us one week before the publication one copy of Bulwer&apos;s novel: Kenelm Chillingly, His adventures and opinions, which book you have in the press, for what we are inclined to pay 30 £. When it were possible to send us already now the first volume by the post; it would be yet more agreeable. Mr H.A. Kramers at Rotterdam readily will be our pledge. your truly De Erven F. Bohn

17 … XML Source XSLT XML Result

18 TEI Letter from De Erven F. Bohn to George Eliot XSLT

19 HTML Result file Letter from De Erven F. Bohn to George Eliot

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