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ANNAMAYA KOSA: Food Sheath: Body Element: Earth Value: Right Action Teaching Technique: Activities / Life Application “Do Good, Be Good, See Good.” PRANAMAYA.

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Presentation on theme: "ANNAMAYA KOSA: Food Sheath: Body Element: Earth Value: Right Action Teaching Technique: Activities / Life Application “Do Good, Be Good, See Good.” PRANAMAYA."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANNAMAYA KOSA: Food Sheath: Body Element: Earth Value: Right Action Teaching Technique: Activities / Life Application “Do Good, Be Good, See Good.” PRANAMAYA KOSA: Breath: Life Force (also Loving Thoughts) Element: Air Value: Love Teaching Technique: Devotional Singing “Love All, Serve All.” MANAMAYA KOSA: Mind Sheath Element: Water (Like water mind flows down.) Value: Peace Teaching Technique: Silent Sitting / Meditation “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” VIJANAMAYA KOSA: Conscience Element: Fire (Like fire conscience flows up.) Value: Truth: Consciousness in every cell. Teaching Technique: Story Telling “You and I are One.” ANANDAMAYA KOSA: Bliss Sheath Element: Akasha Ether—Space Value: Non-Violence Teaching Technique: Prayer “Help Ever, Hurt Never.”

2 INNER INSTRUMENTS OF THE BODY AIM: Constant Integrated Awareness In Speech, Action & Feelings Food / Physical-Gross (Annamaya Kosa) Value: Right Action Element: Earth Expresses through the body. Intelligence / Discrimination (Vijnanamaya Kosa) Value: Truth Element: Fire Expresses through speech and words. Energy / Life Force (Pranamaya Kosa) Value: Love Element: Air Flows as an under-current in all the instruments and purifies. Bliss / Ecstatic (Anandamaya Kosa) Value: Non-violence Element: Ether Experience of Divinity which fosters the five human values. Mind / Emotions (Manomaya Kosa) Value: Peace & Love Element: Water Expresses through the mental plane.

3 KOSA - Annamaya Kosa VALUE - Dharma - Right Conduct ELEMENT - Earth SENSES - Smell - Taste - Form - Touch - Sound The Physical / Gross Body

4 MIND / EMOTIONS KOSA - Manomaya Kosa VALUES - Peace - Love ELEMENT - Water SENSES - Taste - Form - Touch - Sound

5 INTELLIGENCE / DISCRIMINATION KOSA - Vjnanamaya Kosa VALUE - Truth ELEMENT - Fire SENSES - Form - Touch - Sound

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7 ENERGY LIFE FORCE KOSA - Pranamaya Kosa VALUE - Love ELEMENT - Air SENSES - Touch - Sound

8 BLISS / ECSTATIC KOSA - Anandamaya Kosa VALUE - Non-Violence ELEMENT - Ether SENSES - Sound

9 INNER INSTRUMENTS OF THE BODY AIM: Constant Integrated Awareness in Speech, Action and Feelings ANNAMAYA KOSA - Smell - Taste - Form - Touch - Sound MANOMAYA KOSA - Taste - Form - Touch - Sound VIJNANAMAYA KOSA - Form - Touch - Sound ANANDAMAYA KOSA - Sound PRANAMAYA KOSA - Touch - Sound

10 RELATIONSHIP OF THE FIVE KOSAS TO THE FIVE VALUES TRUTH Body—the body is the temple of God. Prana—the breath is the life force of body. Mind—the mind is used to cognize and reflect on the outer world. Conscience—it is the voice of God within. Atma—Divine consciousness, the Self. RIGHT ACTION: Body—the body expresses truth in action. Prana—the breath is used to speak truth. Mind—thoughts should follow the conscience to think Truth. Conscience—is used to discriminate right from wrong action. Atma—illumines the intellect. PEACE: Body—should be used to calm actions—yoga. Prana—control of the breath calms mind. Mind—control thoughts to limit desires and attain peace. Conscience—contemplation leads to meditation. Atma—Supreme Peace. LOVE: Body—expresses love by service to humanity. Prana—breath is used to say God’s Name-soft kind speech. Mind—used to focus Devotion to God. Conscience— compassion comes from the heart. Atma—Supreme Love is Divine energy. NON-VIOLENCE: Body—expresses non-violence by non harm in action. Prana—the breath expresses non harm in speech. Mind—should be used with non harm in thoughts. Conscience—awareness of reverence for all life. Atma—Cosmic Consciousness is Universal Love.

11 11 INNER MEANING OF M-A-N Being born as a human being, one has come to attain Atma Ananda. Such a being is called man, ‘M-A-N.’ M: overcome Maya (illusion). A: experience the vision of the Atma, Divine Self. N: means to attain Nirvana, Liberation. This is the important inner meaning of Man. Maya should be given up. One should have the vision of Atma. Nirvana should be attained. Life as a human being has been gifted in order to inquire into these three qualities. We have to change our outer vision to inner vision. Then it will be possible to understand that the Atma is our very form. Sai Discourse 07/04/01

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