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“What Clients Can/Should Be Doing To Weather The Perfect Storm” Advice offered should be followed all of the time!!!!!!! Gathering Accurate Data (Quality.

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Presentation on theme: "“What Clients Can/Should Be Doing To Weather The Perfect Storm” Advice offered should be followed all of the time!!!!!!! Gathering Accurate Data (Quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 “What Clients Can/Should Be Doing To Weather The Perfect Storm” Advice offered should be followed all of the time!!!!!!! Gathering Accurate Data (Quality & Quantity) a)Appraisals (1000 locations found?????) b)Indexing c)RMS Secondary Construction Characteristics (Sample At End of Presentation) d)Five years of accurate loss data, ground up e)Invest the money saved in the soft market to make yourself more attractive in a hard market f)Detailed data adds up to better coverage

2 “What Clients Can/Should Be Doing To Weather The Perfect Storm” Advice offered should be followed all of the time!!!!!!! Submission and Marketing a)Start early 120-180 days before renewal, follow-up often b)Submission should be a collaboration between client and broker c)Schedule time to meet with all key underwriters, visit them, risk manager insurer dialogue is key d)Electronic, completeness, why underwriters should want your account explained in Executive Summary

3 “What Clients Can/Should Be Doing To Weather The Perfect Storm” Advice offered should be followed all of the time!!!!!!! Modeling (RMS) a)Understand insurer modeling including AAL b)Ask what model the insurer uses for reinsurance, many are moving to a blended model c)Secure your own model and if vastly different investigate why d)Use past loss experience, if it is in your favor, it usually is

4 “What Clients Can/Should Be Doing To Weather The Perfect Storm” Advice offered should be followed all of the time!!!!!!! Restructuring of Program (KEY) a)If the market is increasing by 10-15% then do not expect to do much better if you leave your current structure in place b)Same carriers can be retained but structure must change, there is then nothing to apply a 10-15% increase against c)Understand fully your entity’s appetite and ability to accept risk d)Retention or coverage adjustment, share the risk

5 Thank you. Richard Terlecki CPCU, ARM, ARe  Direct: (407)563-3512  Main: 1(800)524-0191 Ex.3512  Cell: (407) 923-2000  Email: Richard Terlecki CPCU, ARM, ARe  Direct: (407)563-3512  Main: 1(800)524-0191 Ex.3512  Cell: (407) 923-2000  Email:

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