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1 Future proofing affordable housing in the West of England The Local Authority Response Ian Collinson, Head of Spatial Planning, WEP.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Future proofing affordable housing in the West of England The Local Authority Response Ian Collinson, Head of Spatial Planning, WEP."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Future proofing affordable housing in the West of England The Local Authority Response Ian Collinson, Head of Spatial Planning, WEP


3 3 Dissemination Web site Member briefing Workshop with planners and housing ‘enablers’ Business breakfast

4 4 Initial feedback Support for principles Approach likely to viewed as helpful by developers Response needs to be flexible Some concerns about impact on phasing Need to view AH as a positive

5 5 What has changed? Local Growth White Paper Localism Bill Local Enterprise Partnerships New AH Programme (2011 – 15)

6 6 HCA Affordable Housing Programme Replaces NAHP New “Affordable Rent” product (to be defined as AH (PPS3) Overall amount of subsidy reduced RPs to fund AH Conversion of rents to AR on re-let No public subsidy for social rent ……or AR/AHO linked to S106?

7 7 Implications for S106 Agreements Impact on viability of existing schemes Closer collaboration with RPs Move to Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

8 8 Conclusions Quality of process Openness and transparency Trust The right skills Joint commitment

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