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LAB 0 : OVERVIEW. Max+Plus II Fill in particulars License will be provided within 12 hrs.

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2 Max+Plus II

3 Fill in particulars License will be provided within 12 hrs Read the installation instruction

4 ► It is a Computer Aided Design (CAD) tool to create logic circuits. ► It can work on simulation through waveform generator OR ► It can be programmed/downloaded to an Altera UP (Univ. Prog.) board. Max+Plus II Connect using byte blaster cable

5 Altera Max+Plus II Altera UP-2 Training Board

6 Lab 0 : Intro to Max+Plus II ► Intro to Altera Max+Plus II software ► Understanding behavior of a basic logic circuits ► Analyze waveform simulation

7 Lab 0 : Intro to Max+Plus II You will learn to: ► Insert basic logic symbol using Graphic Editor ► Use of Max+Plus II library ► Use 7 types of basic logic gates:  OR (OR2)  AND (AND2)  NOT  NAND (NAND2)  NOR (NOR2)  XOR  XNOR ► Use Input and Output Pins ► Make connections ► Simulate using Waveform Editor ► Creating Symbol from your logic gates design

8 Type of editor in Altera Max+Plus II In Lab0 you will learn to use: 1.Graphic Editor File 2.Waveform Editor File

9 Graphic Editor File ► File -> New -> Select Graphic Editor Library of symbols : prim – basic logic blocks mf – macro funtions of 7400 series mega_lpm – high level cct funtions edif – macro funtion building blocks Double left click will pop out the enter symbol window

10 Inserting Symbols from library Please browse around to fimiliarize with all the symbols available in the library and check the symbol drawing representation

11 Your project should look something like this

12 Waveform Editor : Simulation ► Once you have finish designing using the Graphic Editor ► Open up the Waveform Editor File -> New -> Select Waveform Editor ► Adjust your End time and Grid Size File ->End time (total length of simulation wave) Options -> Grid Size (interval)

13 How to determine End Time and Grid Size Seconds (s) Miliseconds (ms) Miroseconds (us) Nanoseconds (ns) Considerations : no of input & cycle Eg : 3 input and 1 cycle ; 000 to 111 = 8 levels per cycle We can use : End Time 8s and Grid Size 1s Or : End time 8ms and Grid 1ms BUT is it practicle??? BEST case : End time 1ms and Grid 500us OTHER EXAMPLES??

14 Waveform Editor : Simulation Type in your input and output pins in this column Make sure they are the same as the one used in the project

15 Waveform Editor : Simulation Your output should be similar to this

16 Warning ► Make sure step 10, 11 and 12 is followed 10 : File -> Project -> Save & Check 11 : Processing -> Functional SNF Extractor 12 : File -> Project -> Save, Compile & Simulate ► Ensure also that lab0 project is set as current project : File->Project -> Set project to current file

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