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Object Recognition as Ranking Holistic Figure-Ground Hypotheses Fuxin Li and Joao Carreira and Cristian Sminchisescu 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Object Recognition as Ranking Holistic Figure-Ground Hypotheses Fuxin Li and Joao Carreira and Cristian Sminchisescu 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Object Recognition as Ranking Holistic Figure-Ground Hypotheses Fuxin Li and Joao Carreira and Cristian Sminchisescu 1

2 Outline  Introduction  Method Overview  Segment Categorization  Segment Post-Processing  Experiment  Conclusion 2

3 Introduction  Object detector : Top-down approaches 3

4 Introduction  Semantic segmentation results produced by our algorithm 4

5 Introduction  Ideally segment 1. Can model entire object 2. At least sufficiently distinct parts of them 5

6 6

7 Introduction  Constrained Parametric Min Cuts algorithm (CPMC) [6] 7

8 Method Overview This paper focus CPMC Number of segment 8

9 Method Overview  Recognition framework 1. Segment categorization 2. Segment post-processing 9

10 Segment categorization 1. Scoring function 2. Sort 3. Combine high-rank segment 10

11 11

12 Segment post-processing COW 12

13 Segment Categorization  Multiple Segment and Features  Learning Scoring Functions with Regression  Learning the Kernel Hyperparameters  Compare with Structural SVM 13

14 Multiple Segment and Features  Model object appearance : 1. Extracted four bag of words of SIFT 2. Two on foreground 3. Two on Background, aim to improve recognition 14

15 Multiple Segment and Features  Encode shape information : 1. A bag of word of local sharp contexts [2] : measure similarity between shapes 2. Three pyramid HOGs [5] : classifying images by the object categories they contain 15

16 Multiple Segment and Features  Chi-square kernel : Computed from each histogram feature and use a weighted sum of such kernel for regression 16

17 Learning Scoring Functions with Regression  : Image I with ground truth segments  : Segmentation algorithm provides a set of segment : Denote the K object categories : Indicator function 17

18 Learning Scoring Functions with Regression  Quality function :  Measure overlap with all denote the value for and is the maximal overlap with ground truth segments belonging to, and do not appear 18

19 Learning Scoring Functions with Regression  Learn the function for each : use nonlinear SVR(Support Vector Regression) to regress against,the features extracted from 19

20 Learning Scoring Functions with Regression  Use kernel trick : : support vector from training set : obtained by the SVR optimizer  : maximal score of the segment  : final class of the segment 20

21 Learning the Kernel Hyperparameters  Fundamental equation (3) is infeasible to estimate all kernel hyperparameter via grid search  Use subset of data comprised segments that best overlap each ground truth segment 21

22 Compare with Structural SVM  The structural SVM(in [3]) formulation for sliding window prediction is : 22

23 Connections with Structural SVM  Our algorithm VS Structural SVM Structural SVM score the bounding box and Our algorithm score the segment  Important advantage 1. Guarantee the highest rank for the ground truth 2. Correct ranking for all segment 23

24 Segment Post-Processing  Simple decision rule : avoid the post- processing and direct choose the segment, cannot detect multiple objects  Our methodology : weighted consolidation of segment and sequential interpretation strategy 24

25 Segment Post-Processing 25

26 Segment Post-Processing  To decide which segments to combine  Consider segment with intersection > 0.75 for combination 26

27 Segment Post-Processing 1. Highest-scoring segment as seed 2. Group segments that intersect it 3. Generated a final mask 4. Proceed with the next higher rank segment 5. Choose segment that are not overlapping with 3 27

28 Segment Post-Processing  Generate the score for the pixels in the mask by (9), only pixels with score > 0.65 are displayed in the mask. 28

29 Experiments  Classification : Caltech-101  Detection : ETHZ Shape classes  Segmentation : VOC 2009 29

30 Classification 30

31 Classification 31

32 Detection 32

33 Detection 33

34 Detection 34

35 35 OWT-UCM Masks

36 Segmentation Bounding box 36

37 Conclusion  CPMC Categorization Post- processing  Achieve good performance  Future work : improve the scalability to be able to process hundreds of thousands of image 37

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