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Ethnicity and Social Network Pertemuan 8 Matakuliah: G0362/Sociolingustics Tahun: 2007.

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2 Ethnicity and Social Network Pertemuan 8 Matakuliah: G0362/Sociolingustics Tahun: 2007

3 Bina Nusantara Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Menghubungkan antara konsep bahasa dan identitas diri Membuat bagan jejaring sosial mereka sendiri

4 Bina Nusantara Outline Materi Definisi Identitas African American English, “Black” English, Maori Jejaring sosial dan identitas diri

5 Bina Nusantara What is Ethnicity? Discussion: People identify themselves to belong in a certain ethnic group. If you live in a multi-ethnic country, and your parents, grandparents may have come from different ethnic backgrounds, what is your ethnicity?

6 Bina Nusantara American Black English The label “Black English” is not politically correct because it separates English speakers by their skin color. The term widely used now is “Ebonics” or for those in North America, AAVE (African American Vernacular English)

7 Bina Nusantara British Black English In Britain there are many people who have African decent. They are often monolingual in English. However, there are certain clues that differentiate this “Black” English.

8 Bina Nusantara Maori New Zealanders The Maoris are the indigenous people of New Zealand. When they speak English, they have certain features that distinctive of their ethnicity. –For example, the tags ‘eh?’, the use of Maori greetings such as ‘kia ora’, ‘tena koe’, etc.

9 Bina Nusantara Social Networks Social network describes how many people someone has relationships with and how complex the relations are. It is measured in terms of density and plexity. The density and the complexity of your social network influence your speech.

10 Bina Nusantara Density Density refers to whether the members of someone’s network knows each other. –For example, Ani knows Alex, who lives next door to her. Alex’s wife, Alice, works at the same office as Ani. Alex plays tennis once a week with Hendri, Ani’s husband. Alex’s boss, Paul, is a business partner of Robby, Hendri’s uncle.

11 Bina Nusantara Plexity Here, the double lines depicts the dual role that Ani and Alice have with each other, as neighbours and workmates. Similarly Alex and Hendri, are both neighbours and friends. Robby Alex Ani Paul Hendri Alice uncle boss partner

12 Bina Nusantara Plexity is the measure of the different transactions (or roles) a member of the network has with one another. A uniplex relationship is when the link is only in one area. Multiplex is when there are more than one role relations between two people. In the previous example, Ani has more than one role relation with Alice.

13 Bina Nusantara Conclusions Linguists believe that no variety is superior to another and that all varieties are capable of developing their own grammars and vocabulary. In reality, not all varieties manage to have high status in the community. The vernaculars, such as the Patois, AAVE, or Maori are considered sub-standards. Someone’s speech is influenced by social factors, including their social network.

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