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 Update your Table of Contents  Write your homework – leave it to be stamped  Get your homework out to be checked – we will go over it!  Get ready.

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Presentation on theme: " Update your Table of Contents  Write your homework – leave it to be stamped  Get your homework out to be checked – we will go over it!  Get ready."— Presentation transcript:


2  Update your Table of Contents  Write your homework – leave it to be stamped  Get your homework out to be checked – we will go over it!  Get ready for a Quick Chemistry Recap! DateSession # ActivityPage # 9/26- 9/27 12 Compounds, Mixtures & Solutions Reading 19 Quick Comprehension Stations 20

3 Group/Family Name Alkali Metals Alkaline Metals Boron Family Carbon Family Nitrogen Family Oxygen Family HalogensNoble Gases Group/Family Number 12345678 # of Valence Electrons 12345678 # of empty spaces for e- 76543210 Giver or Stealer of e- GGG BOTH SSSN/A Type of ion formed CATION BOTHANION N/A Charge of ion formed +1 +2+3+4/-4-3-2N/A Group # they bond with 7654321N/A

4 H 2 O (liquid)  H 2 O (gas) Same molecule on each side of the equation – structure or identity stayed the same One side has liquid water, the other side has gaseous water – phase change No bonds were broken – PHYSICAL CHANGE CH 4 + 2O 2  CO 2 + 2H 2 O Same elements on each side of the equation – BUT structure or identity has changed Different compounds have formed on each side of the equation There have been chemical bonds broken, atoms rearranged, & new bonds created – CHEMICAL CHANGE

5  Notes Away – Whiteboards Out  Number 1, 2, 3

6  Everything is _________.  All MATTER is made of _______.  An ____________ is a substance made up of only 1 type of ATOM. MATTER ATOMS ELEMENT

7  All ELEMENTS are displayed on the ____________________…simplest substances; ingredients for everything else on Earth  Each ELEMENT belongs to a KINGDOM, either the ____________________________ AND A ___________ with similar characteristics PERIODIC TABLE METALS, METALLOIDS, OR NONMETALS GROUP

8  Each element or group of elements has its very own set of physical and chemical properties (characteristics)  What are all 8 physical properties?  What are all 4 chemical properties?  These properties can lead to physical and chemical changes…ONE of those changes is chemical BONDING!

9  Ionic Bonds – 2 facts & 1 example ◦ Metal & Nonmetal (2 ions) ◦ Transfer electrons ◦ Examples: NaCl (salt)  Covalent Bonds – 2 facts & 1 example ◦ 2 Nonmetals ◦ Share electrons ◦ Example: H 2 O (water)


11  Compound  Mixture  Solution What’s the difference?

12  Read the “Compounds, Mixtures, and Solutions article, and use it to answer the questions.  You may read & complete the questions with your group.  Working effectively as a GROUP = bonus tokens

13  Visit each station and describe what you see using as many vocabulary terms from the article as you can…I want scientific explanations – (that means use vocabulary!!)  Each station has multiple explanations…token time!!

14  Part 1: Have your parent log on to Power School and check your grade. THEN, have them sign in your agenda that they have checked your grade.  Part 2: Elements, Compounds & Mixtures Identification Worksheet

15  Update your Table of Contents  Write your homework – leave it to be stamped  Get your homework out to be checked – tape the worksheet into page 22!  On page 21 divide your page into 4 squares – label them Element, Compound, Mixture, Solution DateSession # ActivityPage # 9/30- 10/1 13 Element, Compound, Mixture, Solution 4-Square 21 Elements, Compounds & Mixtures Identification Worksheet (Homework from previous class) 22 Study Guide Part 1 23

16 Element Compound MixtureSolution

17  MUST be on the Periodic Table OF ELEMENTS  Pure substances made of only one type of atom  Combine to form all other types of matter  Examples:  Silver  Calcium  Oxygen

18  Single atoms of ONE pure element  Molecules of ONE pure element

19  Two or more elements combine during a chemical reaction  Must be combined in specific ratios  Chemical Change/Reaction  Examples:  Water  Salt  Sugar

20  2 or more ELEMENTS that are CHEMICALLY bonded to one another

21 What is evidence that a chemical reaction is happening again?

22  Combines 2 or more substances without producing a chemical reaction  NOT the same throughout - heterogeneous  Basic mixtures can be separated easily  Examples:  Soil  Fruit salad  Physical Change

23  2 or more SUBSTANCES MIXED together, but NOT chemically bonded.

24  A type of HETEROGENEOUS MIXTURE – different throughout  Particles will not dissolve, (insoluble) or are suspended  Examples:  Italian dressing  Snow globe

25  A type of HOMOGENOUS MIXTURE - same throughout  Can be solids, liquids or gases  Solute- substance being dissolved  Solvent- substance doing the dissolving  Examples:  Salt water  Lemonade  Physical Change Salt = Solute Water= Solvent Salt Water= Solution

26  It is also a mixture of 2 or more SUBSTANCES, but the particles will be evenly distributed throughout (homogenous)

27  A type of HOMOGENEOUS SOLUTION  Have an “in between” texture  Examples:  Jell-O  Pudding


29  Take a look at the homework…make corrections if they are wrong!

30  I will show you a picture and your team will have 15 seconds to figure out what it is and write it down on your white board…YOU GET ONE CHANCE!  Your answer will be one of the following:  Element  Compound  Mixture  Solution  Your team will get a token in your cup for each picture you get correct!  Goal: For your team to collect as many tokens in your cup as possible to win the candy!

31  Cool Whip

32  Gold

33  Methane – CH 4

34  Lemonade

35  Salt

36  Copper

37  Soil

38  Water

39  Silver

40  Sugar =

41  Air

42  Salad

43  Gasoline

44  Neon Gas in the Sign

45  Pebbles

46  Kool-Aid

47  Hydrogen Peroxide

48  Oxygen

49  Lucky Charms Cereal

50  Diamond

51  Make sure you are on the Double Reaction Lab Quiz side of the paper!  Double Reaction Lab Quiz + Sum It Up = FORMAL GRADE

52 Group Roles Leader: Reads the directions, keeps group on task and following directions Materials/Clean Up: collects, returns, cleans and disposes of materials Data Discussion Leader: Ensures there is a conversation about each question to share information. Quality Management: Ensures every student has detailed quality answers written in complete sentences using scientific language & turns their lab guide in with their name on it!

53  Quick one question assessment to make sure you understand the difference between an element, compound, mixture and solution  MAKE SURE YOUR “QM” CHECKS FOR NAMES ON EACH SHEET AND TURNS THEM IN TO THE BASKET!

54  Take a Science Textbook off the shelf  Write your name in it  While you work on your Study Guide Part 1, I will come around to record the number you have taken  THEN…TAKE IT HOME AND LEAVE IT THERE!

55  Parent acknowledgement of your grade!  Chemistry Test 2 coming up soon!  Finish Study Guide Part 1

56  Update your Table of Contents  Write your homework – leave it to be stamped  Get your homework out to be checked – it should be taped into page 23!  Look at the last question on the homework & discuss your answer with your group. DateSession # ActivityPage # 10/2- 10/3 14 BIG QUESTION Quick Writes 1- 3 24 Unknown Substances Chart & Quick Write 4 25 Study Guide Part 2 26

57  In your paper bag there are 4 similar objects.  Choose 1 person to stick their hand in the bag WITHOUT looking…they will have to pull out what I ask for!  How did you know you had the right object?

58  If you have one or more unidentified substances, what could you do to start identifying them? ANSWER: By their physical & chemical properties!


60  DID YOU HAVE… ◦ Compound ◦ Two elements bonded ◦ Carbon & Hydrogen ◦ Flammable ◦ Covalent bond ◦ 2 nonmetals ◦ Full valence shell-Hydrogen 1 valence, Carbon 4 valence ◦ WHAT ELSE? Methane – CH 4


62  DID YOU HAVE… ◦ Shiny ◦ Metallic ◦ Flammable ◦ Gives off light ◦ Silver/gray ◦ Malleable ◦ Looks sharp ◦ Temperature change ◦ WHAT ELSE? Magnesium

63  I’m thirsty and need water to survive, but have 3 beakers of clear liquid…how can I start identifying what they are so I can have something to drink?  Discuss with your group & record what your options are/steps you would take to identify the water!

64  You will get a chart with 10 UNKNOWN substances.  BUT, you also have 2 copies of a list of KNOWN substances and some of their properties.  Use the list of KNOWN substances to figure out what your UNKNOWN substances are.

65  There is a deposit of silver mixed with sulfur. Silver has a density of 10.5 g/cm 3 and a melting point of 962 degrees Celsius. Sulfur has a density of 2.07 g/cm 3 and a melting point of 115 degrees Celsius. How can these physical properties be used to separate silver and sulfur?  Heat the mixture until the sulfur melts. The solid silver will sink to the bottom because it is denser and can be removed leaving the liquid sulfur behind.

66 Physical Property Physical Change Density Solubility Malleability Melting Point Boiling Point Magnetism Conductivity Specific Heat Chemical Property Chemical Change Precipitate Reactivity with Oxygen Flammability Toxicity Chemical Reactivity Ionic Bond Covalent Bond Molecule Octet Rule Compound Mixture Solution Solvent Solute Suspension Colloid Dilute Concentrated Saturated Unsaturated Heterogeneous Homogeneous Valence Electrons

67  Finish Study Guide Part 2 & start to STUDY FOR YOUR TEST!!!!

68  Update your Table of Contents  Write your homework – leave it to be stamped  Get your homework out to be checked – tape it into page 26!  I want to go over the study guides and answer any questions you might have! DateSession # ActivityPage # 10/4- 10/9 15 Study Guide Part 2 26

69  Let’s go over the answers to Parts 1, 2 & 3

70  Formal grade 65% - project, so READ THE DIRECTIONS!  Great for reviewing  Use your technology (or a Chromebook if you don’t have your own) to accomplish all of the required items-SIGN FOR THE CHROMEBOOK YOU ARE USING  Use the rubric on the back as a checklist to make sure you have earned the grade that you want.  Make sure your work is of the highest QUALITY & ACCURACY!!!

71  Update your Table of Contents  Write your homework – leave it to be stamped ◦ Adopt-An-Element Baby Book due next class!  Review with your table partner…ask any last minute questions! DateSession # ActivityPage # 10/816 Testing Session – Chemistry Test 2 (nothing to tape in) XXXX

72  Use the folders to create a barrier between you and your table partner  You need a pencil, a piece of loose leaf paper, and your calculator – put everything else away ◦ TITLE = Chemistry Test 2 ◦ NAME & BLOCK ◦ NUMBER 1-35

73  Work on your Adopt-An-Element Baby Book  If you use a Chromebook make sure to SIGN IT OUT!  SIGN OFF OF IT AND PLUG IT INTO THE CORRECT SPACE WHEN YOU RETURN IT!

74  Update your Table of Contents  Write your homework – leave it to be stamped  Get your Study Guide Part 2out to be checked – you should have taped it into page 26!  I want to go over the study guides and answer any questions you might have! DateSession # ActivityPage # 10/7 15 EXPLORE TESTING XXXX 10/916 Testing Session – Chemistry Test 2 (nothing to tape in) XXXX

75  Formal grade 65% - project, so READ THE DIRECTIONS!  Great for reviewing  Use your technology (or a Chromebook if you don’t have your own) to accomplish all of the required items-SIGN FOR THE CHROMEBOOK YOU ARE USING  Use the rubric on the back as a checklist to make sure you have earned the grade that you want.  Make sure your work is of the highest QUALITY & ACCURACY!!!

76  Use the folders to create a barrier between you and your table partner  Put everything away except your pencil & a piece of loose leaf paper – you need a calculator for 1 question ◦ TITLE = Chemistry Test 2 ◦ NAME & BLOCK ◦ NUMBER 1-35

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