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Staff Training Day 4 th January 2016. All policies reviewed every year Each policy allocated to a governor committee and with an SLT lead to review Changes.

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Presentation on theme: "Staff Training Day 4 th January 2016. All policies reviewed every year Each policy allocated to a governor committee and with an SLT lead to review Changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff Training Day 4 th January 2016

2 All policies reviewed every year Each policy allocated to a governor committee and with an SLT lead to review Changes may be determined by, school practice, national changes to legislation, county and union advice (all county policies are agreed with regional union reps) Since becoming and Academy we can choose whether to adopt county policy change We decide as a school and consult if we ‘go further’ than county policy does – but that hasn’t happened yet!



5 Staff Training Day 4 th January 2016



8 Overall school budget Amount cut from budget 2014/15 Reduction to Post 16 funding last year Increase in employer NI and pension contributions Average cost of a teacher (to the school) Overall school budget Amount cut from budget 2014/15 Reduction to Post 16 funding last year Increase in employer NI and pension contributions Average cost of a teacher (to the school)

9 No compromise of quality of newly recruited staff Money found for new exam/course resources








17 Staff Training Day 4 th January 2016

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